Track 2 : Durkio

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    "I'll be home soon, Baby. I promise. I just gotta finish this last verse and imma be there." I said. Royale, my girl, needed me home so she could rest. She just had our daughter India a few weeks before. But, my grind never stops. I hung up the phone and resumed my meeting with Monami Productions. "I'll do it. Under one condition."

    "What's that?" Mona said. She leaned into the white conference table that departed us. Her long brown nails tapped against the case of her IPhone.

    "You gotta cast Royale too." I said. My manager smacked his lips, and I heard a heavy deep breath behind me.

    "Yo, you wildin'." my brother Vinnie whispered as he stood behind me, giving me a nudge.

    "Who?" Mona asked. Shawn let out a chuckle and shook his head.  He leaned forward with his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose.

    "His girlfriend," he said. Mona and her team of 5 all furrowed their eyebrows at me. Mona also shook her head and let out a chuckle. She closed her binder and placed her hands on the contract in front of her.

    "I'm not sure you understand how this works," she said. She gathered her paperwork and stood up. "I came here to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity. You could be the first cast member of the new Love & Hip Hop Chicago franchise. But, if you don't not want to accept this offer, I will find someone else. No disrespect to you, nor your girlfriend. But unless you're dating Cardi B herself, your girlfriend has nothing to bring to my show."

    "Miss Scott, he WILL be taking the offer. But, is there any way we can find a common ground here?" Shawn said. Mona squinted her eyes and sucked her teeth.

    "You have a record label, is that correct?" She asked. I nodded and she sat back down in the black rolling chair. "Do you have any female artists?"


    "We are currently looking for one. OTF will be signing their first female artist before you even start filming the show." Shawn said. I cleared my throat and buried my face in my hands. I ran them through my dreads, giving them a tug.

    "You have one week." She said.

    "One week it is." Shawn replied.

    "Great, then we'll cast you and your new female artist. If Royale wants to be on the show, make her interesting." Mona said. She stood up and walked out of the conference room with her team.

    "Shawn, what the fuck did I tell you?" I said. I stood up and placed my phone in my pocket. My team emptied the room, including Vinnie. "I don't wanna do this TV shit that bad. We currently looking for a female artist, really? Are you aware of what OTF stand for?"

    "Durk, this is just another stepping stone. Just give Mona what she want and you and Royale can play the Queen and King of Chicago all you want." He said. He stood up, pushing his chair in. I walked towards the door with my back facing him.

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