Caly is just an aspiring Artist from Ohio. She's settling for a life with her longtime boyfriend, Slim, who's also a local Artist. When she is met with an opportunity to pursue her dreams and live a different life, she's conflicted. Does she stick t...
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Most of my decisions in life were made in fear of failure. I always had something to prove, someone to please, and standards to uphold for myself. Nothing was done off impulse, I had too much at stake. Then, I met Bria. I was in my mid twenties finally discovering what my purpose in life was. Kinda like it happened with a snap of a finger. One day, I was just King Vinnie of OTF. Rolling with Durk, and doing what I had to do to survive this world living as a black man from Chicago. Then literally the next, I was Dayvin. And, Dayvin wasn't scared to fail. He didn't have anything to prove, no one to please, nor standards beyond his personal boundaries. I was spontaneous for once in my life. I must admit, I loved it. "Oh shit..." I said with a strain as I stretched. It was about eighty degrees outside, the backseat of my car was pushing ninety. My skin was sticky to the touch, while Bria's was sweating bullets. She attempted to snuggle her body close to mine, but her face was met with scorching leather. She then reverted back to her last position, as if she'd done it a few times already. "Bria.." I tapped her thigh and she sat up almost immediately. Her eyes were halfway open, scanning the car. "Why is it so fucking hot?... where's my clothes?" She grumbled as she searched. "I didn't expect for us to fall asleep in-" "Shhh!" She ducked her head low behind the passenger seat. "You hear that?" A wave of near voices and random crowds of black people started forming in front of the hotel. Bria balled up behind the seats as if my 5% tints wasn't doing it's job already. I snatched our clothes from the front seat and we got dressed as quickly as possible. Something was going wrong. No matter how many times I called Durk, he just didn't answer. Bria was jittery, breathing heavy, and her phone lit up the minute she turned it back on. "Oh my god.." "What is it?" I said. "Um.. nothing. I need to talk to Durk." "Well, how are we gonna get inside without anyone seeing us?" "I work here, remember?" She said. "Right, you lead the way." We scrambled through the parking lot to a side entrance of the hotel. "This elevator will take us to his floor but-" "We need to be discreet, let's take the stairs." "Yeah, but you don't seem like the kind of guy who likes to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Besides, we already gotta walk to the other side of the building to get to his room." "You right, elevator it is." I chuckled while pressing the Up button. When we got off the elevator, we rushed down the hall and around the corner. Then, we heard shouting and banging. Before we turned the last corner that lead us to Durk's room, I stopped and I pulled Bria beside me. "Shhh.." Bang! Bang! Bang! "Durk, Open up this fucking door!!" Royale shouted. But, that's not what was worrying me. "Girl, he prolly got that hoe in there with him. And if he do, we gone get that hoe in live!" Her infamous Bestfriend Megan said. That was my queue. "It's time for you to go." I grabbed Bria's hand as I sprinted towards the elevator. When we made it to the second floor, the doors opened. A man stepped in and mugged Bria for a few seconds before she responded with a squeeze on my arm and watering eyes that she never took off of him. I had bout two inches on him, but he didn't hesitate size me up. He lifted his shirt to reveal a black handle to whatever he was carrying. Of course, lil niggas always jump. But, I use hands. The elevator doors opened to the first floor and I pushed Bria out in front of me as I walk behind. "If you was really bout that action, you wouldn't need that. And fasho, it wouldn't be over no female." I chuckled. He sucked his teeth reached for Bria, but I pushed him back. "See, this is what we not gone do." "Bria, you got two seconds." "Or what, Rodney?" She said. Her lips quivered in fear but she tried to keep a poker face. I didn't know what I got myself into, but dying at that moment wasn't an option. Rodney reached for his gun, but before he could pulled it out, the elevator doors opened again and Bria & I both pushed him. Luckily, we missed the woman exiting the elevator. Who happened to block us from his view as we ran through the side door we entered just minutes before. "My car, I'm taking you home." I said. "No, I'm not going home." She said as she grabbed her keys out of her purse. "You sure you-" "Yes. Thank you." She grabbed my hand and slightly smiled. "Now, hurry back before Megan gets suspicious." She gave me a wink as she climbed in the front seat of her car. "According to our bet last night, I'll see you soon?" She bit her bottom lip and turned the key in the ignition. "Maybe, you got my number." She said with a smile, then she shrugged as she backed out of the parking space and pulled off.