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Five years ago, If you asked me where I'd be today, I wouldn't have said more than half of what I've gone through since. I wish I could explain to you what that means in just a few sentences; But we all know what can happen within a few minutes let alone a few years. I have sat down for some time now, meditating and debating, just trying to find the peace in all this chaos. I need your help with choosing my heart, or my soul... No, they're not the same. Therefore, this gone be a long story. Grab a snack, maybe a few. Make sure the kids are in bed and you are comfortable where you are. Cause girl, you ain't gone wanna stop reading this shit!

    Just like all stories, we're starting from the beginning; 2 years ago to be exact. Y'all remember in 2020 when COVID19 first hit,  and the entire country went into quarantine for close to forever? Social media had the most engagement and marketing than ever before. Thanks to quarantine, artists of all sorts were forced to find creative ways to keep their audience engaged all hours of the day. It was one of the best opportunities to start a business, invest in your business, market your brand, and become closer to your audience with the new features that were created due to the pandemic. During that time, there was no excuse to tell your children in the future for why you never followed your dreams. That was your chance if you never had one before. That was pretty much the break I was looking for,  because the universe blessed me with that opportunity.

    I've been a creative every since I started writing at a young age. Performance art, despite all my forms of anxiety, has always been my "thing." Unfortunately, I frequently seemed to go through struggles that hindered my focus on my passions. Most of my life I've been more worried about surviving than investing in my future. My reality felt like it was out of my control. At the age of 19, I was homeless and didn't think I'd recover. It took me taking control of my own life to find a way out of the generational curses that were put upon me. In 2020, age 22, I was receiving so many blessings I didn't see half of them coming. Looking back at it, everything I started to manifest in 2019 came into fruition within the next year. So before I continue, I need y'all to take note that staying positive, knowing and believing what you want is coming to you is KEY in manifestation. Never doubt yourself nor lose yourself in your own reality. Anywho, back to the story.

    At the end of March 2020, My boyfriend Slim and I started working at Amazon in Cleveland, Ohio. We lived with his uncle for a few weeks before we decided to rent out an Airbnb in Tremont. The Airbnb was a 2 bedroom house and we also got FREE WiFi! No kids, no pets, no drama, just us and the bag. I remember thinking like "Finally! We are at peace. Just finally." We had a clean black Chrysler 200, and nothing but time & money to focus on our passions when we weren't working. So, it was safe to say that it was our time to go full throttle on our dreams. After all, most people were still sitting at home collecting unemployment. Now that I got you through the boring shit, let's get started with the real story..


LADY LONDON as Calypso

LADY LONDON as Calypso

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POLO G as Slim

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the book!

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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the book!

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