Chapter 2

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Short chap cuz its a cliff hanger!


"Now you tell me!" I scream hitting Zayn in the chest

"S'not my fault" Zayn protested

"Of course it is!" I growl

"I didn't go up to Harry and be like oh Harry come back to Doncaster to make poor lil Lou sad" Zayn said in a mocking voice

"Zayn" I groaned

"What?" Zayn asked

"Harry's coming back I just don't know what to do!" I cry

"Talk to him" Zayn smiled

"I'm a mess! He'd be disgusted!" I cried

"No he won't babe" Zayn sighed putting a hand around my neck as he drove us to school

"Did you just call me babe?" I questioned

Zayn went quiet

"What me? Call you babe I'm not even gay" Zayn nervously smiled

"Okay" I sighed looking out the window as we drove to our high school.

As Zayn parked we both saw a huge crowd

"Zayn" I whisper

"It can't be" Zayn said getting out of the car

"C'mon Lou" Zayn groaned opening my door

I let out a sigh getting out

"Harry can't be here Louis so calm down" Zayn suggested


"I said calm down!" Zayn growled cutting me off

"Never knew you had such a mean side!" I growled back.

As we walked near the crowd I just wanted to get a look


Green eyes

Flawless face

Harry Styles

We both made eye contact eyes locking making me shiver

I felt my knees buckle falling to the ground making everything to black...

LOUIS FAINTED!!!! OMG lol comment what you thought

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