Chapter 5

423 37 12


Louis Pov

Mrs. Calders lips perished

"Harry Styles your late, famous or not" she said with gritted teeth

My eyes widen

Even though Harry broke my heart Mrs. Clader didn't have to be so rude to him

"I'm sorry Mrs. Clader I was helping a teacher out" Harry lied staring at me

"Oh helping a teacher out by harassing and child with a nurse wow!" She glared

Harry looked back at me as if he was saying

Why'd you tell her!

"Take you seat Styles" the teacher scoffed

Harry approached me with dark eyes

"Don't you dare Styles! Sit up front where I can see you!" Mrs Clader spat

Harry groaned walking back up to the front

Mrs. Clader winked at me making me smile.

"everyone get you textbooks and go onto page 107 please

Harry gave me a look making me squirm under his stare

"Ugh Mrs. Clader?" I asked putting my hand up

"Yes darling?" Mrs. Clader asks

"Can I, um go to get my text book I frog-

"It's okay Louis" she smiled cutting me off

Wow she's nice today

"I left mine to!" A student said

"Sit in you seat Tod!" She snickered

"Why'd you let Louis?

" Because he had a tuff day" Mrs. C responded

"I did too"

"No one cares, now Louis your excused to go"

I nodded getting up when I heard

"Teachers pet"

I just kept walking not wanting to hear what they said about me


How am I a slut?


That word now pissed me off I stopped where I was standing and glared at the stupid blonde bimo girl named Brittany who just insulted me

"Whore?, bitch tell me the fucking the definition for fucking whore you dumb slut"

She went quite gasping

"Do I go around sleeping with every fucking guys like you? Fuck no you little bitch! Next time say it to my face you fucking dic* sucking ass bitch!" I spat walking to the door

"And just know, you just got fucking beat by the SASSY MASTER FROM DONCATER!, BITCH!" I shot out leaving the room as everyone making this owning sound while she gasped making me know I just won!

As I was at my locker kneeling down since im a bottom locker (A/N ive been ever since grade 5 and im 8!)
I heard footsteps

I let out a gasp looking both ways

No one

I just shrugged continuing to look through my locker for my text book

My legs were pulled out from behind me hitting face first on the floor

"Ow!" I screamed out in pain

My head was grabbed and slammed into the locker

I let out a cough feeling blood stream down my nose

"HEY!" I heard a familiar voice yell

I turned my head to see Zayn


Zayn grabbed the mysterious man who was in all black and threw him to the floor

I quickly got up grabbing his shoe and throwing it at his face

"Bitch!" I growled

Zayn ripped off his mask to see

Harry fucking Styles

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