Chapter 6

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Louis Pov


Harry's eyes widened

Anger grew in me

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" I yell punching him across the face

He let out a groan making me scowl

He deserves more!

"Your beautiful Lou!"

"You think so?"


"Staph making meh blush!"

"I'm never gonna leave you"


I quickly shot out of what seemed like a memory

I was on the ground with Zayn hovering over me

"What?" I question blinking

"You were going all crazy saying why didnt you stay and kept punching Harry in the face

I looked over to see Harry unconscious with a bloody face

"What have I done!" I gasp

"I would say he deserved it for attacking you but you really ruined his face" Zayn gasped

"S'not my fault" I defend

"Ugh I'm pretty sure it is" Zayn laughed

"Lets go before we get in troub-but I was cut off by some one clearing their throat

I looked back to see the nurse

Oh great!

"U-ugh what's up?" I try

"Don't whats up me you ruined a popster a face both you two are in trouble!" She yells grabbing my wrist

"You only like Harry cause he's famous you bîtch!"

A harsh sting was felt on my cheek making me gasp

"I can sew you!" I yell

"Yeah sure" she rolled her eyes sending me to the office with Zayn.

She made us sign think sheets that our parents have to sign

"Zayn" I whimper after signing it

"Calm down, what's wrong?" Zayn asks

"My dad! He's going to kill me!"

"It's okay Lou, ill fake the signature" Zayn smiled

"What if they call home!"

"They won't I promise I always get in trouble and they don't call home" Zayn shrugged

"My dads literally going to murder me if he found out and I'm not kidding when I say murder!"

"Calm down" Zayn assured

"Louis your dads coming to pick you up get your stuff" the nurse smirked

My eyes widened

"You told my dad?" I whimpered

"Yup and he said your in huge trouble" she smirked wider

My face started to heat up

"I'll call you after school, yeah?" Zayn tried

"Don't bother I'll already be dead by the time you come home" I whisper

"Your dad won't kill you Lou your just being silly" Zayn shrugged

I pulled up my shirt making Zayn gasp

"That's bad!" Zayn gasped examining my stomach

"I'm gonna be purple and blue tomorrow" I sigh

"Louis ill come over to try"

"No he's just gonna hurt you and call you and me a fag" I cried

"LOUIS YOUR DADS OUTSIDE!" The nurse yelled smirking opening the door for me making me want to sink into the chair.

Zayn gave my back a pat

"It's okay"

"I feel like I'm going to war"

"Bye Louis"

"I'm going to die and that's your words".

I walk outside seeing my dads car immediately

I could tell he was mad coming from work to pick me up

I opened the door getting in

Once I put my seatbelt a hard slap was brought to the back of my head

"You little shît! I had to fuçking pick you up for no fuçking sense you fûcking little trash àss!" Dad yelled

"He attacked me I was just doing self defense" I tried

"Shut the fûck up! And you know what the worst part is? You fûcking screw up!" Dad yelled

"What?" I whimpered


"You beat me everyday and your asking that!" I yell

"Once we get home! I swear to god you'll wish you died with your mother you piece of shít!" Dad yelled.

After the rest of the silence in the car dad threw me out into the house grabbing me by my hair.

My eyes widen as he took of his belt

"No please!"

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