Chapter 1

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Louis Pov

"Sometimes I wonder if Harry cares or if he misses me he lived next door to me so maybe-

LOUIS" dad yells snapping me out of my thoughts

"yeah dad!" I yell back


"Sorry sir!" I yell back

"GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!" sir yelled

I rushed downstairs to see my drunken father

"Clean this fucking place now you no good piece of trash!" dad yells

"Okay sir" I say bowing my head

"Here's 20$ boy" dad says throwing 20$ at me

"Thanks sir" I say not giving him eye contact

"Whatever clean and go to school you hear me?" Dad asks

"Yeah sir" I nod

"Okay well bye" dad says leaving to go to the bar.

My dad has mood swings some moments he's sad about mums death
and remembers I'm all he has and most moments he treats me like his slave, it's torture but at least I have a roof over my head.

As I swept the floor I turned on the tv but quickly regretted it!

Harry Styles!

"How are you Harry?" The interview lady asked

"I'm great what about you?" Harry asks

"Great, now that I'm talking to you!" The lady drools making me scowl

"Aha thanks" Harry smiles making me break inside

"So how's it going with your girlfriend Brittney!?" The lady asks sad he's taken

"Great actually I've never had an amazing relationship like this!" Harry. cheers

was Harry and I's relationship not amazing? Has he really forgot about me? We didn't even break up....

"That's amazing! I've also heard you bought her a 3 million dollars worth of shoes!" The lady grins

"Indeed I did, you see I spend the most money on the people I love!" Harry grins.

Well that makes sense he never bought me anything expensive.

"Well that's all the time we've got Its time for Harry to perform his new song called You and I after the commercial break!" The lady cheers

"You and I?" I practically gasp

"Harry and I wrote the song and he's taking credit for our work!" I say letting a stray tear fall when my phone rang

I quickly wipe the tear away to see it was a FaceTime call from Zayn.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask

"Great but I- but I cut him off

"Are you driving?" I ask making Zayn roll his eyes

"LOUIS! I saw the interview don't try to change the subject but are you okay?" Zayn asks

"He's taking credit for the song!" I say biting my lip

"That's your song?" Zayn asks face turning red with anger

"Zayn I don't know what to do he's everywhere!" I cry letting another stray tear slip

"It's okay boo I'll be in your driveway in a minute dress up beautiful" Zayn winks making me smile

"How'd you see the interview if you were driving?" I ask

"I stop watching after he said he said I spend money on people I love" Zayn growls

"Aw so you came to check on me" I smile

"Yeah and we have school" Zayn winks

"Shit! I'm in my pyjamas!" I cuss running upstairs

"Can I watch?" Zayn asks making me laugh

"Of course not!" I laugh

"Can I see your arse than? Zayn asks as I enter my bed room

"Of course!" I grin

"Really?!" Zayn cheers eyes widening

"Yeah" I smile sitting on the bed and placing my phone under my arse

"Isn't it beautiful?" I laugh

"Louis!" Zayn groans

"what you said you want to see it" I smirk

"not what I meant!" Zayn groans making me laugh harder

"Now I need to change" I laugh getting up

"Ha! Just saw it! Zayn laughs

"Whatever makes you happy" I say rolling my eyes ending the call so I can change.

I put on my red hot skinny jeans than make my bum look extremely hot! with a white and red stripped shirt the hugs my toned stomach.

I run downstairs putting on my toms and running outside to see Zayn waiting.

I hop in the car starling Zayn

"Hey!" I smile kissing Zayn on the cheek

"Hey Loubear" Zayn nervously smiles

"Hey you look nervous you okay?" I ask

"Fine I can't lie to you your my best friend but um" Zayn trails

"What?" I ask

"Harry Styles is coming back to Doncaster!"

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