Chapter 3

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Louis Pov

I woke up in the infirmary looking around to see Zayn sitting on the chair

"We're you watching me sleep?" I questioned

"Maybe, you got a problem with that?" Zayn sassed

"Hey that's my thing!" I yell

Zayn let out a laugh smirking

"Wait Zayn why am I in here?" I questioned

"You saw Harry and fainted" Zayn explained

"Did he see me?" I questioned hiding my face in my hands

"Yeah he practically jumped from the crowd just to see if your okay" Zayn explained

"WHAT!" I scream

"Yeah he was all like oh my Louis are you okay" Zayn mocked

"Your just lying to me!" I growled

Zayn stopped laughing and gave me a serious look

"Actually when I tried to pick you up and take you to the infirmary he hissed at me saying he was gonna take you" Zayn scoffed

"He did" I smiled

"Yeah he's pretty aggressive" Zayn said rolling his eyes making me know he wasn't lying

"Well what happened after?" I asked

"He kissed your forehead and left" Zayn explained

"He did!" I squealed blushing madly

Zayn's eyes widened

"I thought you didn't like Harry anymore?"

"he showed he liked me back!" I giggle

"You sound like a girl" Zayn laughed making me giggle

"C'mon Louis at least be with me I comfort you and stuff" Zayn pleaded

Maybe I can make Harry jealous if he saw Zayn dating me, I thought

I smiled going in for a kiss

Zayn was surprised at first but kissed back

"I knew you'd come around" Zayn smiled letting go

I smiled back

"I was so stupid to not realize what I have"

"Louis would you be my boyfriend?" Zayn asked

"I thought you were straight?" I asked

Zayn went quiet looking down

"Of course I'd be your boyfriend" I giggle pecking his lips but Zayn grabbed my head kissing more

I heard a gasp but didn't dare to let go of Zayn

"Um you guys done or something?" A familiar voice asked

I let go of Zayn to see the nurse standing there

"Oh um yeah" I blushed red quickly getting up

"Nice to see your awake" the nurse said with gritted teeth making my eyes widen

"Um yeah" I trailed quickly leaving with Zayn when the nurse grabbed my arm

"How stupid are you!" She growled

"Excuse me?" I questioned

"Harry liked you and you went for trash!" She growled

Zayns head whipped looking at me

"I like Zayn much more very much" I growled pushing her off of me

"Yeah!" Zayn said giving her an intimidating look and putting his arm around me walking out to see Harry outside the office with red eyes

"What's he crying about" Zayn whispered

Harry head shot to us glaring

I just pretended I didn't see him

"Ugh Zaynie I need to go to the washroom see you in math" I smiled pecking his lips just so Harry would see

Zayn squeezed my arse with passion making me giggle

" I'll be waiting for that beautiful round arse" Zayn winked

I saw Harry out of the corner of my eyes glaring at Zayn as I just smile skipping to the washroom.

After I finished I got out to see Harry standing against the wall

"Louis" Harry said sternly

"What do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes

"You! That arse is mine" Harry growled quickly right in front of me

"It's not your nor will it ever be" I growl

"Remember all the good times me and that arse had?" Harry asked

"Get lost!" I say pushing his away

"Can't believe you cheated on me" Harry spat

"Cheated? You fucking moved out of no where and left me!" I yell

"I told you I wouldn't have time to visit and while I'm gone you act like a whore giving your ass to Zayn!" Harry yelled

"Zayn was the only one who took care of me when my mum died!" I cried

Harry was about to say something but shut his mouth

"Jay died?" Harry asked in a whisper tone

"Yeah no one was their to comfort me except Zayn"

"What about your dad?" Harry asked

"He turned into a drunk" I whispered

"Lou I'm so sorry"

"SAVE IT YOU CHOSE FAME OVER ME ADMIT!" I scream got tears streaming down my face

Harry bowed his head making me scoff

"Now you choose to return" I scoffed leaving the room wiping my eyes

What just happened?

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