Chapter 4

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Louis Pov

I quickly walked to class trying to forget what happened but the memories keep flooding back!

I opened the door to mrs. C's class

She opened her mouth about to yell at me for being late but instead of doing so she grabbed my arm taking me outside shutting the door

"Louis what's wrong, are you okay? Mrs. C asks

I let out a sniffle nodding

"Dear even though you cause me problems in class and I hate it I'm still here for you and hate to see you down, now I will repeat my question, are you okay? Is it your mother again?" She asked again

"It's just- you know Harry, Harry Styles"

"Yes, the boy you used to date but became a star?" She asked

"Yeah, well he came back and pushed me up against the washroom when he saw me and- I cry gasping for air

"Oh Louis" Mrs. C cried hugging me tightly

"I'm sorry I don't usually break down like that" I said crying on Mrs. C's shoulder

"It's alright Louis, you can spend the day in the office" she offered

"No! The nurse their hates me because I pushed Harry and thinks I'm the bad one!" I cried

"Don't worry you said so yourself everyday you attended class that your the sass master from Doncaster!" She cheered letting of the hug

"Why you so sweet to me even though I'm mean to you?" I ask

"You lost a mother ,and when I was your age I too lost my mother and had no one to guide me as a girl but mothers bring a little gentleness in your life while the father brings toughness and teaches sports and how to fight and all but the mother teaches you more than you could ever know, and I just want to be that person in your life to guide you so you won't end up like how I was suppose to end up like" Mrs. C smiled

"Suppose to end up?" I questioned

"My teacher did the same for me" she grinned

"Well thanks, but can I stay in your room?" I ask

"Of course, would you like Malik to stay?" She asks

"Yes please" I smile

"Well lets go back inside now that your cleaned up!" She smiled

"Thank you for everything Mrs. C- I mean Mrs. Clader" I smile

"No problem, but right now lets just hope your class mates aren't recking the classroom" she laughed opening the door to reveal everyone up from their seats talking away

"Settle down class, and sit in your seating plans!" She yelled out

I looked around the class and quickly spotted Zayn

"Zayn!" I whisper shouted jumping to him

"Woah you okay?" Zayn asked picking me off his lap

"Can I please" I beg

"I'm happy were dating and all but in class I'm pretty sure you sit in your own desk beside me" Zayn said letting out a chuckle

I sat beside Zayn looking up and the board when their was a knock

Mrs. Clader opened the door to reveal someone I never thought would return

Harry fucking styles

(AN/ omg just put fucking in the middle of someone's name and it sounds cool!


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