Everlasting Kindness

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Moonlight streamed in through the window, a wisp of pure bright light amidst the dreamy grey of the night sky. The moon stood in stark contrast to the night sky, patterned by the twinkling stars that only shone against the darkest night. Tonight, the sky was dark but that only brought out the beauty of the glorious queen of the night.

In the darkness, soft breathing could be heard, along with the steady rise and fall of her chest. Next to her, the hulky goodness of a man was wide awake simply watching her, simply getting lost in her beauty.

In their darkest hour, Ye Jin's beauty shone through her love for him.

Instead of screaming at him, she decided to be the bigger person.

That only made him love her more.

The soft glow travelling into the room lit up Ye Jin's angelic features; a reminder of how beautiful she was inside and out. Even though Hyun Bin knew Ye Jin was strong, it was in these moments that he felt the strong desire to protect her. Under the moonlight, Ye Jin looked particularly small in his arms. Under the moonlight, Ye Jin looked dainty.

From the tiny curve of her nose to her slender neck, down to her small hands laid lightly on his chest. All Hyun Bin yearned for was to remove all the hurt and pain Ye Jin has gone through or would ever go through in the future. Yet, he knew those hurts were exactly what pushed her to become a better version of herself. To become the well-loved actress and person she was today.

And then he sighed.

She didn't say it but he was sure he must have hurt her or at least disappointed her today. She may have quelled most of his guilt but that still didn't erase the fact that he has to make it up to her.

Even in her sleep, Ye Jin's forehead was creased slightly from stress and Hyun Bin knew that he has to do something. Tonight was supposed to be a time for them to unwind together and because of him, Ye Jin spent the night worrying instead.

He felt awful.

The past few weeks have been incredibly busy for them but more so for Ye Jin. After the news of the postponement of the filming for her Hollywood project, Cross, scripts for projects have been piling in, waiting for Ye Jin's acceptance.

On top of filming for her CFs, Ye Jin was drowning in the mountain of scripts handed to her. There were days Ye Jin would be pouring over the scripts for hours on end, even pulling a few all-nighters until Hyun Bin decided to start dragging her to bed. Even so, Ye Jin would occasionally get sleepless nights thinking about the scripts she read.

Thus was the nature of their work.

Even in the initial stages of picking their next project, they have to immerse themselves in the character to get a rough feel of everything. With the number of scripts she has, Ye Jin's acting skills were being tested on a daily basis as she switched back and forth between the different characters. She was so deep into it that Hyun Bin would catch her crying at times. Yet, he understood.

The craziness of the past few weeks meant that the couple didn't get as much quality time together. It meant that Ye Jin was tremendously tired most days and needed rest above all else. Did it put a strain in their relationship? Perhaps, but they were both fighters. They wouldn't give up that easily.

Sure it was hard to find time to cultivate their love and allow it to blossom even more. After all, flowers needed to be watered and showered with positive words to bloom beautifully. It was the same with love.

Except, they haven't been giving their love the nutrients it needed to grow recently. But, they were both trying to find that new balance between work and life. They were struggling but they would get there someday. The most important thing was, neither of them doubted the love they have for each other and for now, that was enough.

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