VIII. conflict

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the next step..
i wake up to tommy shaking me.

"whattttt" i groan getting up.

"you have to get up now," tommy says, "we have to go to l'manberg."

i get up in a fast pace and run up the stairs.
we reach l'manberg and it has this tall beautiful podium in the middle with two buildings on the side while there is seating in the middle. 

"wow." i say looking around.

"don't get too excited," wilbur says, "we may not have this land after tomorrow." 

"don't be so pessimistic," i say nudging his shoulder, "someone told me that everything will be okay and that you guys will win, alright?" 

"who told you that?" tommy asks.

"it might've been one of you in a dream, maybe, i don't know, just trust me." i ramble knowing that dream told me. 

"ahhhh boys, and girl." a male says in the distance. 

"quackity, george." wilbur says standing up.

"wilbur." quackity says walking forwards.

me, wilbur, and tommy are standing in a line waiting for them to get closer.

"how do you like our new land? it's pretty right?" he says looking directly at me.

"i mean if you built it, i wouldn't say that it's pretty. there's always another word." i say with a sweet sarcastic smile. 

"y/n not now." wilbur says putting his arm out in front of me. 

"oh so you're y/n that basically declared war against dream and caused you and your friends to lose your houses and their presidency?" quackity says pointing at me and then looking around.

i roll my eyes while crossing my arms, "i wouldn't put it that way, but yeah i guess." i say shrugging. 

wilbur chimes in, "okay enough, what are you two doing here?" 

"we came to just scope the new land, make it feel comfortable." george says stepping in.

eret walks in from behind george and quackity.

tommy turns like he just got pushed and swings back around. 

we all turn our heads towards him, and tommy immediately says forgetting about the conversation we were having, "eret, you fucked up." he says pointing at him while wilbur holds his arm. 

"i suggest you guys leave at this instance." quackity says stepping in front of eret. 

soon enough, a tall blonde and sapnap come in and push all of us out. 

"what the hell?" i scream hitting the gate. 

"y/n, stop." wilbur says holding me back from the gate. 

"the election didn't even happen yet and they're acting like they own the place." i say kicking a rock and putting my hands above my head. "how are you guys not freaking out right now?" i ask looking at them.

"because we know the outcome, like you knew the outcome of the war." tommy says.

"this may not be the best idea, but y/n will you read the the votes when it comes to it?" wilbur asks scared.

"yeah sure why not." i cross my arms.
we walk back to the dirt pile and walk inside.

"the polls went out yesterday so we should be getting them back by tonight and then all you have to do is calculate them and say them tomorrow morning." wilbur guides me.

"okay i guess," i say turning my back towards them, "just know whatever happens i will always be right by your sides, okay?" 

they both nod and we go in for a group hug. 

i shed a single tear for the fear that i hold because i don't want to lose my home.

this chapter is all over the place i know but i'm at school sooooo, hope you enjoyed

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