Chapter 3

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"Where's the bathroom?.. I need to go," I said crossing my arms "Around the corner and down the hallway," she said. I nodded and walked away.

I walked past the empty area of where the secretary was. I looked at the microphone. I smiled evily and walked to it. I looked around. I then pressed the button. " piranha," I whispered in a weird voice into the mic. It echoed over the intercom.

I let go of the button and laughed to myself. I walked back to the area.

"Was that you Maggie?" Asked the woman annoyed. "" I said and burst out laughing. Sammy giggled.

She shook her head. I sat down "What your doing will get you nowhere," she said referring to my future. I actually felt like I had a good future. I looked around. "I know. That's cause I'm sitting," I smirked. Making her mad is fun.

She jumped up from her chair. "I'm done," she said walking away. "IM DONE," she yelled down the hall. She was leaving the group.

Plan.. Achieved.

Everyone laughed in amazement. "Good going Maggie!" Cheered a girl. I laughed as people high fived me. "See ya later losers," I said walking to the door. I walked out the door.

A person ran up to me from behind. "Hey wait up,"

I turned around to the boy: Sammy.

"How do you do that?" He smiled running up to me. "Do what?" I smiled. "What you just did!" He laughed. I smiled and looked at the sidewalk "its a secret," I said. He chuckled. "A secret huh?" He smiled. "Yep," I said.

We walked together.

"So why are you here?" I said as we stopped at the end of the sidewalk. "Why do you think?" He smiled walking again. "You are hell," I laughed. He clicked his tounge. "Your correct," he said smirking.

I giggled. "Well I need to go make an excuse for leaving the group early so.. Bye," I said walking the other direction of Sammy.

"Hey don't leave yet," he said walking where I was walking. "Why?" I laughed. "Well I haven't got your number yet." He smiled cockily. I raised my eyebrow smirking. "And you won't." I said turning back around. He chuckled. He walked beside me again.

"What makes you say that?" He smiled. I walked looking ahead of me. "Your trouble," I said. "Your no different," he smiled looking over at me. "Bye," I laughed walking away.

He grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I snapped back. He looked at it. He then took out his phone. "Give it back!" I laughed. He ran away. "Come on!" I laughed chasing him.

He stopped. He handed me my phone. "Text ya later," he said holding up his phone which where my number was typed in. I scoffed. He winked and walked away.

I stood there. Wow.

"Trouble," I whispered to myself. I smirked. "I like it," I said turning around.

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