No Lies Here (Shuichi and Kokichi)

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*Shuichi's POV*

I just don't get it! How is Kokichi, or as I like to call him tiny supreme leader, so adorable?! He has never been like this. I remember when I first met the purple-haired supreme leader. It was another day of walking around the house and I see him with my buddy Kaito. I didn't like him as quickly as we made eye contact that day. I could tell he was a very bad person. Why could I tell? He was the ultimate supreme leader!  I spontaneously told myself You can't believe him Shuichi, he's a supreme leader, a liar, he is here to make everything worse. Soon that proved to be incorrect. We were realizing that he was not there when planning on hanging out with some of the others. My heart kind of shattered for some reason. After we went to his room and he told us his backstory, I understood that he wasn't so dangerous after all, he was just misunderstood.

It's been years since that event. We have had quarrels here and there but always resolved them somehow. There was something different happening though. Ever since Tsumugi decided to pay a little visit knocking me in the head, Kokichi has been nicer to me. I didn't get it or understand why. But something was happening to me at the same time this was happening. I was realizing how adorable Kokichi was... ugh! It was so unfair! It felt like his cuteness was taunting me!

"Thinking of Kokichi again Shuichi?" Kaito asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "N-No! Why would I?" I exclaim super frightened. "Oh only because of you and your face turning red and also, your drool," Kaito answers. I wiped my mouth to recognize I was drooling, my goodness. "Shuichi, you should not be so nervous about talking to him, you should try to tell him how you feel," Maki tells me. "I-I just can't! It's impracticable Maki!" I shout, pulling my hat down. I couldn't do it! It would be impossible. I mean, I held Kokichi's hand before but that was cause Himiko and Kaede dared me to do it! That doesn't mean anything.... right?

"Maki is right Shuichi, tell Kokichi how you feel, or else you'll end up in heartbreak," Kaito exclaims. "Fine! I'll do it! On one condition," I say with a smirk on my face. "What?" Kaito asks. I lean over to his ear to mutter something. "You have to ask Maki on a date, right now," I tell him and his face goes completely red. "Deal," he replies as he looks at Maki. I pull out my cellphone to film this. How could I not? "Ummm, Maki Roll, would you like to... go on a date, with me?" he asks with his tomato face. Tears overflowed the border of Maki's eyes. "Mhmm Y-Yes! I would love to go on a date with you Kaito!" Maki replied as he ran into Kaito's arms engulfing him in a hug. I decided to go into my room not to bother them or even Kokichi. As I entered my room, I noticed a small note on my desk. Odd, it was not there earlier. I picked up the note and saw that it was written with a purple-colored pen. Could it have been Kokichi? I mean, he is the only one who likes the color purple. It had my name on it with little navy blue and purple hearts surrounding it, causing my own heart to jump a beat. I sit on my bed and open the note and begin to read it. My eyes widen in hysteria to recognize that it was the little supreme leader's handwriting!

Dear Shuichi,

You are like a dream I never thought would come true for me. When I just hear your voice, I start to smile with joy. My eyes sparkle with joy if I even believe you are thinking about me. When you sing the song you wrote for me, it makes me feel as if we were meant to be together. You are so special. I pray we will finally know if we are meant to be with one another. I haven't even talked to anyone like you before. You make me feel special like no one has before. The things you do show me that you are such a caring person and will love me till the end of time. I just want to be loved and have someone love me in return, the way I've always wanted. I want to find my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, and my Prince Charming. I feel as if you may just be the one I am looking for and have been searching for all my life. These are the sort of feelings I have for you now. No lies. Sorry I didn't realize them sooner.

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