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Layla's POV

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Layla's POV

I SNAP OUT OF MY UNEASY TRANCE as I emerge from the cold water and stare at the view in front of me.

Corpse thought that swimming would be a good idea to pass time while we're celebrating Christmas eve.

I looked around but it turns out we had the pool all to ourselves, I mean it is very cold so why would people bother taking a dip when it's all like the north pole up here.

I didn't mind though so all was good until I dipped my feet into the water.

This shit was very fucking cold.

What did I expect it was December.

And every now and then I would shiver while walking around in the pool and witness Corpse laughing at me by the corner.

Damn him.

"You set me up bitchass how dare you, your not even getting in the water, and yet you're wearing swimming trunks." I shivered as I stayed still in the water not wanting to feel the cold anymore.

"You we're the one who was so eager to get in the water! I just wanted to see how cold the water was so I didn't stop you." He smiles at me.

"I hate you!" I scream at him jokingly in frustration but he just chuckles at me.

So I decided to use my advantage of wearing a bikini.

I walked up from the swimming pool letting the water drip all over where I'm standing at.

I feel his eyes burning holes into my body as I make my way to where he's currently standing at.

He was much more taller than me but I still stand close to him as my lips quirk upward feeling his warmth.

He snakes his hands around my waist as I feel a small blush creep on my face while he holds me closer to him then he starts to lean closer to and-


I laugh as I pushed him into the water getting sprayed a little bit from his massive fall.

"Asshole" he blankly says while he runs up from the pool and tackles me.

I squirm while struggling to get out of his grasp but somehow he ended up towering over me by the corner of the pool within a matter of seconds.

Damn you tall people.

I noticed him inching towards me slowly but soon enough a faint ringtone could be heard by where we were sitting by.

He looked at me as he sighed, walking towards the chair while he pouted.

How cute.

I saw his eyes light up when he picked up the phone.

It must be someone important.

"Gia! Holy shit you finally called! You fucking dumbass why didn't you call me!? It's almost Christmas when are you visiting us?..." suddenly Corpse bombarded the person who seemed to go by 'Gia' with loads of questions as he trailed off.

I heard a very faint reply which sounded like a girl's voice.

I became more and more confused, who was this girl that he was speaking to?

By now he glanced at me with a smile that I had never seen before.

He was happy. So happy.

I could see genuine positiveness all over his face.

I've never seen him so happy before.

This person must really mean a lot to him.

My heart sank knowing that some other girl can make him happy more than I ever could.



School is the biggest scam ever.

ALSO IM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING EVEN SLOWER THAN BEFORE. I literally cannot help it. A lot of things are stressing me out so much right now. But thank you so much for all the support I've gotten omfg you guy's are amazing, we're almost at 30k reads 😭

 But thank you so much for all the support I've gotten omfg you guy's are amazing, we're almost at 30k reads 😭

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