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Corpse POV

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Corpse POV

IT'S BEEN A FEW DAYS AFTER LAYLA PASSED OUT and after a weird encounter with the doctor who was at the time taking care of her.


"Okay great" Layla started to get up from the bed as I stretched out my arms to help her.

*knock knock*

I looked towards the door where the knocks came and there appeared the doctor who was the one responsible for discharging Layla.

"Oh Ms. Charvi you're awake," The doctor said as he turned to me "But Mr. Cameron there appears to be a problem with the X-rays that you told me to give you, I'm pretty sure I looked past Ms. Charvi's records and she doesn't appear to be diagnosed with-" Layla coughed interrupting the doctor.

"I'm sorry doctor but is it okay if we leave now, I'm getting kind of sleepy and tired," Layla said while she shifts from where she's standing.

She seemed uncomfortable which I don't know the reason why she is uncomfortable.

"Oh maybe in a few minutes, but I still have something to discuss with your boyfriend here, cause it's really weird since-" Layla interrupted him again.

What is up with her today?!

"Actually we should be leaving now doctor, I'll just leave you my contact info on a piece of paper instead if that's okay," I asked him while Layla sighed in relief.

"Oh- of course, here is a paper and a pen." He said as he handed me a small piece of paper and a black pen.

End of flashback


And after that, Layla just became weirder and weirder, I asked her why she was so eager to leave the hospital, and all she told me was that she had social anxiety.

I mean I totally understand her since I also used to suffer from the same thing before and I am still getting better for now but.. Layla had always been so social to everyone around her and she just wasn't the type to avoid some of my questions but I ignored her weird behavior anyways.

I looked at her small figure currently wrapped in a thick blanket while she softly snores it was still early in the morning but somehow I couldn't sleep.

*ding ding ding ding*

Oh right, Layla's phone always wouldn't stop ringing, she would always tell me that it was nothing and prevent me from seeing it but I would always see her baffled expression when she looks at the notification.

I just hoped that she wasn't hiding anything from me or worse, cheating on me.

C'mon, it's just a small peek, It couldn't be something bad.

I sigh as I take her phone from the bedside table and unlocked her phone.


yesterday 1:26 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Lydia you can't keep avoiding me.

yesterday 3:48 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Please Lydia I'm just trying to help you.

yesterday 5:28 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Just please stop skipping my therapy sessions, your parents and I are just worried about you.

yesterday 5:30 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Stop wasting the money that your dad is paying me for your therapy sessions Lydia, please I can't accept his money anymore.

yesterday 5:32 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Your parents want you back home Lydia.

yesterday 5:34 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
I know you aren't getting any better from that incident Lydia that's why we're all trying to help you.

yesterday 5:38 pm

Dr. Jimmy Ramirez
Fine Lydia, I give up. Just please call me when you can, your parents are very worried.


What the fuck did he mean by therapy sessions?! And what incident is he talking about?!

Who's Lydia?

I'm so confused?!

Her parents? I thought- I thought her dad left her and that her mom was sick.

Well at least, that's what she told me.


AAAA 35K READSSS I LOVE YALL PLSSS also I think I'm going to be more active again now here :) thank you sm 😭🙏❤️

AAAA 35K READSSS I LOVE YALL PLSSS also I think I'm going to be more active again now here :) thank you sm 😭🙏❤️

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