Dont think of it as a bad thing

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"Barry what the hell was that?" I asked clearly embarrassed by the situation.
"What you don't want me to put my hand around your waist, cause if you don't want me to I promise I won't do it again." He replied.
"No that's not what I mean, I liked that."

"I mean I can do it again anytime, just ask me." He said blushing.
"That's not the point Barry, right in front of your dad? What were you thinking, and the excuse?" I whisper shouted.
"It was a perfectly logical excuse." Barry replied.
"you were picking up a ring, do you even wear rings barry? Could you not  of thought of anything better." I hissed.
"I mean it was the first thing that came to mind and it's not as if I can go back in time and think of another excuse." Barry stated.

"Whatever, I just hope he doesn't tell my mum and I really hope he wasn't serious about that talk." I added
"I mean I don't think he will tell your mum anything bad but when he said about that talk he's most likely 95% gonna do it." Barry laughed.
"Fuckk." I sighed.
"I mean don't think of it as a bad thing." Barry replied with a smirk.
"Why not?" I asked confused.

Barry began to slowly lean in and kiss me, I obviously kissed back, Barry hovered over me as I lay down, we were still kissing. Barry lay down his whole weight on top of me and began kissing my neck. I wrapped my legs around him as he continued to kiss my neck.

"Cut it out you two." His dad said from behind the door. Barry practically feel off me onto the floor in surprise. "It's not what it looks like." Barry exclaimed.
"Your dads already downstairs and plus he never actually came in." I said quietly.

Someone to you - Barry Gabrewski (Jonathan brandis)Where stories live. Discover now