Dancing with you

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It was Friday, the last day of the week and Barry was coming to mine tonight. I went home and got dressed. Around an hour later I heard chaps on the door so I went to answer it knowing it was Barry and his dad.

"Come in." I said while smiling at mr gabrewski.
"You look very pretty today." Barry said while walking in the door.
"Thankyou! You too." I reply.
"So where's your mum and dad?" Mr gabrewski said with a smile.
"Just in the kitchen." I replied.

Me and Barry ran up the stairs.
"So what you wanna do?" He laughed.
"How about we dance?" I replied knowing what Barry's reply would be.
"No way!" He said laughing.
"If you don't dance with me you have to eat a whole packet of BBQ crisps." I said knowing how much he hated them.
"Fine.." he sighed while

Me and Barry began to dance, causing my mum to tell us to shut up, but we didn't we were having so much fun.

Me and Barry were dancing. Barry places his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders.  We continue dancing only looking right each other's eyes. Near the end of the song Barry begins to walk me backwards to my wall. He stands and admires my eyes before crashing his soft lips onto mine. The kiss lasts for 30 seconds. Before he pulls away out of breath. "Your beautiful." he says
"So are you."

Someone to you - Barry Gabrewski (Jonathan brandis)Where stories live. Discover now