Management is sh*t (Larry)

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Summary: Harry is sick and management is being rude to him. Louis eventually snaps and it turns into a mess


''Harry, try harder! You sound terrible. Pull yourself together, I can't afford to waste any more time today.'' Rick (management) yelled at Harry. He was still in the booth, trying to record something that sounds at least half decent. 

''Lay off him, Rick!'' Louis seethed angrily. ''He's sick, you know that!''

''I don't give a flying fuck whether he's sick or not. He needs to record his fucking parts at some point before the end of the millennium. I don't have time for this shit.''

''I'm trying, Rick, I really am.'' Harry sighed. He was clearly congested and had a bad cold, making his voice sound a lot scratchier than usually. He was still perfect to Louis though...

''Try harder then.'' Rick hissed before turning the music back on and signalled for Harry to start. Trying not to cough halfway through a take, poor Harry struggled through the first half of the songs before exploding in a fit of sneezes, yanking his headphones off. Let's just say that Rick was beyond furious. ''Oh my fucking god. Harry, this is not rocket science! Can't you just do something right once in your life?''

''I don't know what to tell you, Rick.'' Harry sniffled, anger evident in his eyes.

''Rick, what is wrong with you?!'' Louis yelled suddenly. Harry snapped his head up just in time to see Louis jump out of the chair and advance towards the taller man.

''Louis, it's fine.'' Harry mumbled. Louis stopped in his tracks and turned back to his boyfriend. His eyes softened as soon as he saw how flushed his cheeks were and how red his nose was.

''Do you want to go home, love?'' Louis asked gently. He wasn't sure whether Harry had a headache, so he mentally beat himself up for yelling at Rick- he was sure it didn't help the situation whatsoever.

''Yeah, but I n-need to finish my parts...''

''Damn right, you do.'' Rick spat out. Recoiling at the loud voice, Harry sighed in frustration and put his headphones back on slowly.

''Rick, please just let him go.'' Liam begged as poor Harry coughed into the crook of his elbows. ''If you just let him rest, he can come back and- ''

''No. He's gonna quit complaining and stand in that booth until he records his fucking parts.''

''I'm trying, for fuck's sake!'' Harry yelled, only resulting in hurting his chest. He broke out in a fit of painful coughs. One of them was so strong that he had to steady himself on the music stand. Jumping up out of his seat again, Louis ran over to Harry and held him up so that he wouldn't collapse.

''Rick, this isn't funny anymore. Please, just let him go home...'' He begged, his grasp firm on Harry's biceps. The poor boy looked like he was about to pass out. Rick scoffed and crossed his arms.

''I can't believe you.'' He shook his head, backing away slightly from his chair as though Louis and Harry did something terrible. ''I don't know how Louis loves you, Styles. In my eyes you're just a fat loser who lives off of money. Why does anyone bother?'' That hit hard. Harry muffled a sob and fell to the floor, prominently throwing up everywhere. 

Louis leapt to his feet and launched himself at Rick, punching and kicking every part of him that he could reach. Chaos filled the room. The other three lads just stared in shock until Zayn finally got over it and pulled Louis off their director. The man was cowering on the floor. Even though he was being held back by Zayn, Louis growled and spit in Rick's face.

''Never talk about my boyfriend like that again!'' He hissed venomously. He then turned back to Harry and rushed over, his heart breaking when he saw him in Liam's arms. ''Baby? You okay?'' He didn't hesitate to pull the younger boy into his lap. Niall, Liam and Zayn stepped out of the booth to give them some privacy. Harry didn't answer. He just continued to sob into his boyfriend's chest, burying his face in his hands. It didn't really help that there was a large pool of vomit next to them. ''Love?''

''I-I-'m sorry...'' Harry sobbed out. Taken aback, Louis kissed the top of his head.

''What are you sorry about? Love, you didn't do anything.''

''I'm s-sorry I'm not good enough f-for you...''

Louis' heart broke. He knew that Harry was really sensitive, but he never thought that someone else's words would have this big of an impact on him.

''What are you talking about, boo?'' Louis asked, tears streaming down his pale face. ''I love you, you're the most beautiful person on the entire planet. You're perfect.''

''Y-you h-heard Rick though...'' Harry sniffled. ''I'm just a fat loser who doesn't treat his boyfriend the way he should. I'm sorry, I'm so disgusted with myself- ''

''Now, you listen here, Harry,'' Louis said sternly, grabbing Harry's wrists as he pulled back to look him in the eyes. ''You're not fat. Far from it. Your stomach, your thighs, your beautiful face, you curls, your eyes, I love it all. I love the way you kiss me in the morning and tell me you love me. I love the way your hair falls in your eyes whenever we're on stage. I love the way you hold me close when I'm upset. I love the way you sing in the shower and make sure you're loud enough so I can hear you. I love how insecure you get about your tattoos and abs when we're lying together in bed. I love how good I make you feel about yourself. I love how good you make me feel about myself. I love all of you. And there is nothing in the world that anyone could say to change that.'' 

By the end of Louis' speech, both boys had tears rolling freely down their cheeks. The others were just next door, so of course, they heard everything. And Niall (being the huge Larrie he is), started crying as soon as Louis uttered the first word. He was nothing compared to the mess that Harry was though.

''Thank you, Louis.'' He said lovingly; his voice was full of emotion as he got lost in Louis' ocean blue eyes, ''I love you. So much.''

''I love you too, Hazza.'' Louis whispered. He then put his hands on Harry's waist and pulled him closer, connecting their lips in a soft kiss. As soon as they pulled away, Harry tried to hide his smile.

''You idiot, you're gonna get sick!''

''If I get sick, I know you'll be there to take care of me.'' Louis smiled. ''Which is what I should be doing right now. C'mon, let's get you in the car...loads of cuddles and kisses are in order, I should think. Just you wait, Hazza, I'm gonna make you feel like a king...''



Wordcount- 1145

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