Accidentally stabbed (Calouis)

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Let me just explain a few things before you start reading: I don't actually ship Calum and Louis. I wrote this one shot before I found out about Larry, just kinda happened. Second, they aren't actually in a relationship in the one shot, there's just some romance. I make no sense, but just go with it :)

Oh and yes, I wrote this so long ago, so


Summary: Calum hurts himself by accident when making himself food when he is sick. Louis is also home and has to handle the situation.


Calum's point of view

I was starting to think that I should have gone out with the lads. I wasn't feeling too great, so I probably should have just gotten some fresh air. You know me, though; I can never be bothered to do anything if I'm sick. Not that the day was going to be a total loss- Louis was here as well, so I could always ask him if we could do something. 

Walking down the stairs groggily, it took me at least ten minutes to remember that I wasn't in the tour bus. So fucking smart, I know. We were here in Liam's summer house for the holidays, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to stay here forever. It took me a while to finally reach the bottom on the stars. Without hesitation, I stumbled into the cosy living room.

''Hey, Cal.'' Louis greeted me, smiling as he moved over on the sofa. ''Feeling any better, mate?''

''Not really...'' I replied. Sitting down next to him, I smiled gratefully after he pulled me into his chest and started playing with my messy hair.

''Aw, I'm sorry. Hey, the others will be here soon, okay? You can cuddle up to the boys and watch a film. How does that sound?''

''Good...'' I sniffled. I knew it was really pathetic, but I honestly felt like utter shit. I stood up shakily and started heading towards the kitchen. 

''Whoa, whoa.'' Louis got to his feet, ''Where are you going?'' 

I liked how over-protective he was, always making sure that his friends were okay before looking after himself. Normally, that was Liam's or Ashton's job, but Louis was just as good at it. Well, when he wanted to be.

''I'm hungry, Lou. I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'll be back in a few.''

''Just let me make it, Cal, you're sick.''

''No, it's okay. Seriously, I'm fine.''

''But what if- ''

''No buts.'' Surprised at how final my voice sounded, I gave him a reassuring hug before walking slowly into the kitchen. I felt okay for the most part, actually. It only took me a minute or two to be standing in front of the fridge. I then took the chicken broth out, warming it up before getting a knife to cut the loaf of bread. 

''Do you want some soup, Louis?'' I shouted back towards the living room. He yelled back a 'no thank you', so I got back to cutting the bread. After a couple of seconds, I felt the knife slip dangerously from my hand. It entered my side painfully, making me let out a loud yelp. It was barely a couple of seconds of agony before I heard my name being called, followed by rushed footsteps.

''CALUM!?'' Was that Louis? I couldn't really tell. All I could think about was the pain that was shooting through my left side. ''Cal, Cal, mate, can you hear me?''

''L-Lou? Is tha- you?'' I barely registered that I was actually on the floor. Without hesitation, Louis lifted my head onto his lap and got his phone out. I whimpered in pain as he dialled a number...

5SOS/1D/Larry Stylinson one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now