Hypothermia (Muke)

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I wrote this a few months ago but never bothered to post it haha. Hopefully, it's not terrible :3


Summary: Michael gets locked outside when he is home by himself and gets hypothermia out in the cold.


Knock, knock.

''What the fuck- '' Michael mumbled, not excepting his boyfriend back for another couple of hours. He has a key anyway, so why would he knock? Michael didn't think much of it and got up to answer the door. He opened it and stepped out. No one there. 

''Luke?'' The air was biting into his skin as he shivered and drew into himself even more. Looking around his yard quickly to get back inside, Mikey gave up pretty fast and just thought he was hearing things. He checked his keys speedily and discovered that he... left the keys inside. 

Are you fucking kidding me?

Okay, no problem. He'd just call someone. Michael frantically searched his pockets for five minutes until he finally realised that he left his phone inside. The temperature dropping even further, poor Michael was left to curl into ball in front of the front door, waiting for Luke to come home.


Michael had no idea how long he has been sitting out in the freezing cold. All he could think about was the cold. The cold. The cold. His lips blue and chapped, he hugged his knees on the porch in front of the house he shared with Luke. Poor Mikey must have been out there for hours before he  finally heard the sweet sound of his boyfriend's car. Noticing his shivering boyfriend on the front step, Luke barely slammed his car door before running up to Michael.

''Mikey, baby?'' He asked urgently as he cupped his face in his hands. ''Can you hear me?''

''L-Luke...'' Michael slurred out wearily.

''Fuck, fuck, oh shit.'' Luke breathed out. ''Michael how long have you been out here for?'' Taking his coat off, he wrapped it around his boyfriend and kissed all over his face to warm him up.

''H-h-hours...it's s-s-s-so c-c-old, Luke...I w-wanna go i-inside.''

''Okay, okay, honey, let's get you inside.'' Luke rushed out in panic. He picked up Michael as gently as possible, carrying him inside and laying him down on the floor where the fireplace was. It scared him how violently he was shaking, and he felt like ice to the touch. 

Getting out his phone, Luke held his boyfriend close as he dialled Ashton's number.

''Luke, what's up, man?'' Ashton said cheerfully over the phone.

''Ash, I need you to come over right now.'' Luke demanded, tears running down his cheeks

''Luke, are you crying?''

Luke held in a sob, taking in a painful breath and looked into Michael's worried eyes as he cried as well. He looked so cold...it made Luke pull him even closer and wrap another blanket around his frail form. 


''Y-Yeah, sorry, I'm here.'' He answered shakily.

''What happened, what's going on?'' Luke could tell Ashton was trying not to jump to conclusions, like always. He appreciated it though because he needed at least one person to stay strong for Michael's sake. ''Luke, talk to me.''

''Just come over, please, I'll explain everything here.'' Luke said firmly.

''Of course, I'll be there as soon as possible. Are you okay?''

''It's Michael.''

''What's Michael? What's wrong with him? Luke, you're seriously scaring me now.''

''Fuck, oh I'm such an idiot.'' Now full on sobbing, Luke ran a hand through his hair and listened painfully to Michael's whimpers.

''No, no, don't say that. I'm on my way. Calum is with me. Don't go anywhere, understand? Try to stay calm for me.'' Ashton said seriously as he dragged Calum to the car and got in. Well, that's what Luke assumed because he could hear the car unlock and the ignition turn on.

''Ash, what's going on?'' Luke briefly heard Cal say nervously, but he was barely paying attention. Watching Michael's eyes flutter open and close, his breathing quickened as the older boy went completely limp.

''Oh my god!'' Luke yelled before dropping his phone and turning all of his attention on his boyfriend.


''Oh my god!'' Ashton and Cal heard Luke yell in panic, the call ending barely a second later. Calum's breathing came out in short breaths as he looked up at Ash, worry showing clearly in his brown eyes.

''Ash, drive faster!'' He shouted in panic. 

Ashton couldn't even answer. He kept his eyes on the road as he overtook multiple cars, begging to god that Michael was okay.


Luke had no idea how long Michael had been out for. It seemed like an eternity before the older boy finally started coming to, squirming in Luke's lap uncomfortably.

''That's it, Mikey. Wake up for me, love.'' Luke cooed worriedly. Michael's eyes fluttered open, landing tiredly on his boyfriend above him.

''L-Luke? What happened?'' He mumbled.

''Try not to talk, love. You passed out.''


''I'll explain everything later.'' Luke said lovingly, helping Michael sit up so that his back was against the sofa. ''Just take it easy for a bit.''

''Okay.'' Michael whispered, closing his eyes. He gulped to try and hydrate his parched throat. 

''I'll get you some water.'' Luke said quickly, jumping up to get a glass. Fatigue washed over Michael suddenly.

''Luke? I'm really tired, do you mind if we take a nap?'' He asked as Luke came back into the room, handing the glass of water over to him.

''Of course, Mikey. You must be exhausted. Ashton and Calum are coming over soon, is that okay? I panicked and called them.'' 

''It's okay. I'm sorry for scaring you. I barely even remember what happened.'' Michael groaned. 

''Don't worry about it now. The important thing is that you're alright.'' Luke smiled warmly. Snuggling up to his boyfriend, Michael smiled and kissed Luke's neck.

''I love you.'' He mumbled.

''I love you too, Mikey...''


Wordcount- 937

~Bella xx

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