Prank gone wrong (Larry)

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To be honest, this one is just incredibly fluffy <33


Summary: Harry receives a prank that wasn't meant for him


Harry was so excited. This was his chance to finally show off his new Gucci suit to his boyfriend Louis. And everyone else for that matter. He was wearing it as he bounced down the corridor excitedly, flashing a confused Lou a dazzling smile. She chuckled and winked, obviously impressed by his new outfit. 

It did cost him...a bunch of money, BUT it was so worth it. He only hoped Louis and the lads would like it. He would also be wearing it at their concert in an hour. The boys were already backstage and ready, lounging around until Harry was ready to go. Everyone was quite content. Well, not for long...

It happened so fast. Harry didn't even realise what he was walking into until he opened the door. The knob was turned and he opened it excitedly, the smile getting wiped off his face as a wet substance drenched him from head to toe. It wasn't water. From what he could tell, it was crimson oil paint. And what he could also tell was that his bandmates were obviously in the room, staring in quiet shock. Louis was the first one that came to his senses.

''Hazza!'' He yelled out, running up to his boyfriend. Harry just lifted his bowed head slowly, his lips parted in shock and an attempt to not taste any of the paint. His entire body was was quite unsettling because it honestly just looked like blood. He assumed that it was a bitter prank that probably wasn't even meant for him. ''Hazza, love, are you okay?'' 

Shaking his head, Harry refused to meet his boyfriend's gaze as he kept his mouth open. He looked so shocked and innocent... By now, Liam, Zayn and Niall had gotten up so they could help clean everything and let Louis get Harry ready for the show. They all felt so bad for him, and they had no idea who did it...until laughter could be heard from behind the side curtains.

''Oh my god, Jeff, we got you so good!'' A member from management- Noah- cackled. ''We got you so- Harry?'' He asked in confusion, his smirk getting wiped off instantly. He obviously didn't mean for the prank to be directed towards Harry, but that didn't make the poor boy feel better about the fact his brand new suit was absolutely ruined. Noah's friend, Will, came up behind him and looked up. He was probably also expecting Jeff to be the one covered in paint; you could see it in his face. An extreme look of guilt came across his features as he stared at the scene in front of him.

''Holy shit.'' He whispered, his mouth hanging open. ''Fuck, Harry, we did not mean that for you. Oh god, I'm so sorry.''

''Me too, Harry, we m-meant that for Jeff, I didn't think you'd be ready yet and I- ''

''Guys, it's fine.'' Harry said quietly. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay mad at them for too long, even though the only emotions filling him right now were disappointment, sadness and anger. All he wanted was to wear a goddamn suit to a show... ''Can I just get cleaned up please?'' Louis was still looking at him with sympathetic eyes. 

Harry just hoped he wouldn't break down in front of everyone. He looked up at his boyfriend brokenly and tried to ignore the burning in his eyes and nose where the paint had spread. It stung his eyes like hell, but the worst thing was probably the taste in his mouth. Yes, oil paint never harmed anyone, however that didn't mean that it tasted good.

''Come on, love, I'll help you.'' Louis said gently before putting a hand on his boyfriend's waist and leading him out of the room. Once they were out of ear shot, Harry let a few tears fall. Louis felt so bad. He knew he didn't do anything, but it still hurt him to see his baby so sad. ''Shh, shh, you're alright, love.''

''B-but the suit is ruined.'' Harry sniffled softly as he let his boyfriend guide him into the bathroom.

''I know, baby, I'm so sorry.'' Louis said sympathetically. Harry wished he could hug him. Reading his mind, Louis stripped off his blazer and placed a kiss on his red, dyed shoulder. Harry's mouth was still open a little bit, his bottom lip trembling. ''Shh, it's okay. C'mon, love, let's get your trousers and shirt off.'' After a bit of struggle, Harry was standing naked in the middle of the bathroom as Louis put a hand on his painted cheek.

''Boo, you're gonna get paint on your hand.'' Harry sniffled. (I don't know why I found this so freaking cute.)

''It's okay, Hazza, I don't mind. It's just my hand.'' Louis said gently. Harry just nodded and headed over to the sink, accepting the toothbrush from his boyfriend. He tried his best to clean his mouth and teeth. It did work, but it still tasted disgusting. He was glad that Louis was there to help him get cleaned up, otherwise he would have broken down in tears a long time ago.


''Yes, love?''

''C-could you maybe wash me? Please?'' Harry asked tentatively. Chuckling fondly, Louis nodded before wiping a tear off of his boyfriend's face.

''Of course, darling. I was going to wash you anyway- I know you like it when I do it.'' He said. Harry smiled and tried to resist the urge to kiss the life out of him.

''Thank you, boo.''

''No problem, Hazza. Now c'mon; let's get you in the tub.'' Harry obeyed and stepped into the shower slowly, practically melting when he saw his boyfriend remove his clothes. 

''Louis, no.'' Harry said quickly, ''You're going to get paint all over you, it's going to take ages to get out. It's okay, you can help me wash myself without getting in. You don't have to do this for me.'' Louis just shushed him and stepped in next to the younger lad. 

''I don't mind, love. I'd do anything for you, you know that.'' He said, turning the shower on, his gaze never leaving Harry's. That was the first time Harry realised just how lucky he was... No one in the world had someone like Louis- he was Harry's and Harry's only. He leaned in and pulled Louis as close to his body as water ran down their bodies, painting the tub impossibly red. 

That's not what Harry was focused on though. All he cared about was pulling Louis in and kissing him as passionately as he could, barely paying mind to the fact that they were both naked. The older boy kissed back and tangled his fingers in Harry's dyed hair. 

''I love you so much.'' Harry whispered once they finally pulled away. Smiling wildly, Louis nodded and pressed their forehead together tightly. 

''I love you too.''


Was going to write more but I feel like that's a cute place to end it :)

Wordcount- 1144

~Bella xx

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