࿐𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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a/n you're not from canada! you and eva do long distance!

"BUBBA I DONT wanna go!!" i whine, in the uber to nach.

"such a shame" eva says, while opening the uber door and paying the driver.

"evaaa what if they dont like me" i ask while dragging out the 'a' in her name

"they will! i promse! theyre just a little overprotective at sometimes" eva says, while opening the door.

"GIRLS WE'RE HOME!" eva yells, startling me a bit, i saw a bunch of people running towards eva and engulfing her in a hug. everyone stopped and looked at me.

"hi, im y/n!" i say, while introducing myself to everyone.

"im madi!' a blonde girl says

"attaway general right..." i asked

"yep!" madi beamed

"you were nina! i loved you're acting!" i exclamied

"approved" madi says, while snapping and walking away

"im devvy!" a girl with crutches says. i look down at her boot and back at her.

"oh, volleyball injury" devy says while chuckling.

"oh, im sorry" i say.

"eva, i like her" devy says while walking away on her crutches.

"1 down, many more to go" eva says, ticking one of her finger

"im ava" a girl who looks like a pageant queen says.

"you're really pretty" i say, stunned, while eva wraps her arm around me, a bit jealous

"eva i also like her" ava says while joining devy on the couch.

"im cynth-," a girl with sharp eyebrows starts to say, "i know you! from lights out phase 2 right?"

"yep!" i said.

"ive known y/n for a while, so i approve eva" cynthia says while walking away

"i didnt know that you were apart of lights out tour?" eva questions

"i told u about that last month bub"

"lauren kettering" a brunette girl says

"rosie, attaway general" i ask

"period!" lauren says while walking away

"here are the toughest to please, anna and sab" eva says, while fiddling with her rings

"im anna"a blond girl with glasses says

"and im sab" another blonde girl says.

"you do POVs right..." i asked sabrina.

"yep!" she says

"i remember you from the teens robbing the bank one!" i beam.

"yea, that one blew up" sabrina says, not amused.

"so what do you do?" anna asks.

"like hobby-wise?" i ask back

"yep, why not?" anna replies

"i play soccer and basketball" i say

"me too! what position?" anna asks, suddenly interested

"outside left winger!" i say

"cool! eva i approve!" anna says

"have you ever been in another relationship before eva?" sabrina asks

"nope. eva and i were talking for a good year, and now we've been together for 2 years now!" i say

"thats a long time," sabrina says. 

"yea," eva says

"i approve! if she was able to keep you for this long, then she should be able to do it again" sabrina says while walking away

"thats good!" eva says, while dragging me to her room to make a tiktok

lolas corner

requested by GriffinKyra

enjoy <3

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