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~imagine telling your kids how you met amelie around the fireplace with hot cocoa!

"MOMMY TELL me how you and mom met?!?!" your daughter olivia asked you, while pouting.

"baby, you've heard this story so many times?" you reasonsed, while cuddling into amelie with a cup of hot cocoa and with sunflower, vol 6 by harry styles playing quietly in the background. quite frankly, the album fine line was playing because your daughter olivia thought that harry wrote a song about her, and she told you she wanted to listen to fine line. your tiny family was a big harry styles fan, so you could always hear him around the house. it didnt help that he was your big brother also, but it pleased olivia because he was her godfather.

"mommy pleasee" olivia asked while tugging on your and amelies sweaters.

"fine you little rascal!" you tease, while picking her up and walking over to the fancier couches, while grabbing amelies hand.

"so, do you want to start or should i?" you nudge amelie. 

"you can start!" amelie mumbled into your shoulder, cuddling into you more.

" ok, so basically i was at boa right, and i had a date with some girl- who stood me up. mom was dating blake gray-" you said before you were cut off.

"as in uncle blakey bear?" your 5 year old daughter asked you

"yes, uncle blakey bear" amelie said

"nice to see your still alive" you said while kissing her forehead

"anyways- blake had stood amelie up also, and it was pouring rain, so i got up and invited her to have dinner with me since i had already cleared my schedule." i explained

"ooooo, bad uncle blakey bear" olivia taunted

"so we just had dinner, and we hit it off. we kept going out and mom broke up with blake and we became a thing." i explained

"and we danced in the rain and got sick together" amelie added on.

"THATS SO CUTE!!" olivia squealed. instead of answer you pulled olivia in and kissed her forehead and kissed amelies lips.

lolas corner!
if you see isabella anywhere, its bc olivias name was originally isabella and then i changed it

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