The Call

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It was late on Saturday night the night before your birthday. You're so excited because tomorrow is your 19th birthday.

You decided you wanted to invite your mom who you haven't seen since you were 8. You picked up your phone and right when you were about to to call her your phone rang.


"Hi Y/N it's mom! I heard tomorrow is your 19th birthday. Are you excited" your mom practically yelled into the phone.

"You heard? You don't know your own daughter's birthday. That's embarrassing. Anyway do you need something" you say in an annoyed tone. Your mom doesn't respond for a moment the she says

" How would you feel about coming to Korea for a year. I need a model to work with some Korean artist. I was going to use my normal model but she's been leaking things to the press. So I thought who else can I trust. My own blood! So I'll pay for everything and I know you're doing online classes so this is perfect for you." You couldn't believe your ears. Ever since you were little you've always wanted to go to Korea. Yes you did have issues with your mom but a free trip is a free trip.

" Um... I guess that would work for me. Have you talked to Dad about it though."

" Yes! I talk to your father about three months ago. We thought this would be a great fit for you. Also you can bring that boyfriend of yours that you told me about last time. Would that be fun?"

"Mom. Jacob and I broke up a while ago. Anyway I'll start packing." you said angrily. Since she's your mom you would think she knows more about you. You hear someone yell to your mom in the background she mumbles a quick goodbye. And like that you have a free trip to Korea and Lord knows what else.

Hi so i think i'm going to update Friday's because of homework and stuff🧎🏾‍♀️.

word count: 340

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