2 - Hogwarts in a Time of Turmoil

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After decades of confinement in a cell barely large enough to allow him to lie down, the vast space that was Hogwarts' Great Hall was mindnumbing. Sitting at the head table, staring down at the incoming students, felt utterly surreal. Gellert feared this marvelous new world to be a dream, or perhaps a vision, which would disintegrate, before he had the chance to properly relish it. Perhaps it was this worry, that made him grasp for Albus' hand beneath the table. The soft chuckle from his husband in combination with the gentle squeeze of his hand grounded the former Dark Lord, assuring him of this reality.

Indeed, here he sat - under the disguise of Albus' long-lost husband, a glamour hiding the more prominent features of his face. It had been a clever idea on Albus' part, as no one would believe the famous hero to break his vanquished foe out of prison to pose as his significant other.

Though Gellert did not remember his time in Durmstrang particularly well - the insignificant memories lost within a sea of possible visions - he immediately noticed drastic differences between the two school systems. His former school had been focused on power, on knowledge, while Hogwarts was... different. Where there had been a glum, quiet atmosphere at Durmstrang, the students entering this Hall were chatting cheerfully, laughing at each other's antics. It was fascinating to watch.

Albus interrupted his observations by standing up, signaling the student body that there was an announcement to make. Once more, Gellert was struck by how graceful the older wizard was, despite his advancing age. Briefly, he wondered where the clumsy boy had gone, who misplaced his wand and wore mismatched socks.

"The best of evenings to you all!", the man who held Gellert's heart exclaimed, a cheerful smile on his lips, "as you may have noticed, we have a new addition to our staff. Due to Professor Trelawney's unexpected retirement, I have invited my husband from his meditational exile in Switzerland. Having spent the past decades training his inner eye, he should prove to be an excellent tutor to you. Please welcome: Professor Gellion Dumbledore!"

Gellert took the announcement as his cue to stand and give a customary, curt, pureblood-bow. Applause began, though it was somewhat subdued due to the obvious shock filling the Great Hall. In his previous life, he might have taken offense. Now, he merely smiled, though it was a tight one, if he was honest. It seemed as though the man had not lost his vanity through decades of imprisonment.

The story was as close to reality as possible, diminishing the risk of Gellert accidentally confusing facts or forgetting it.

"That being said", Albus continued, once Grindelwald had sat back down, "please, tuck in!"

Once he was seated once more, Gellert grinned at the older man: "You always had a flair for the dramatics. I cannot understand how no one has attempted murder yet in all those years I wasn't there to scare them off."

God, how he had missed that laugh. "I assure you, Gel, that whatever it is you were doing to prevent my untimely demise, it was not particularly helpful."

There was a wink, supposed to remind the dark wizard of the time, in which he planned the murder of Albus Dumbledore. It reassured Gellert once more, that he had been given forgiveness, when he least deserved it. However, he found it difficult to joke about these matters - the horrors he committed in the name of a twisted perception of the Greater Good.

"Mr Dumbledore", a voice, sweeter than any of the Headmaster's candies carried to Gellert's ears.

"Yes?", his husband reacted, turning towards a woman Grindelwald successfully identified as the ministry employee and spy.

"I apologize, headmaster, but I was talking to your husband", Umbridge smiled with too many teeth, distaste clearly showing in her eyes.

Gellert merely raised an eyebrow, daring her to continue speaking.

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