3 - Love tears you apart, rebuilds you

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They searched for Horcruxes in their free time, researching methods to destroy and extract them. Together they dove into Albus' memories, searching for indications of objects, numbers, locations, anything at all. Gellert attempted to reach for the possible objects through visions, though he merely saw blurred shadows of past and future - unrecognizable even to him. It was close to the end of the holidays, when Albus found a possibility that appeared to be fruitful.

"The Gaunt ring - hidden in Little Whinging, the home of Tom's family", the older wizard announced, as they stood before a heavily warded shack.

It was unwelcoming, to say the least. With broken, stained windows and a door seeming to fall off its hinges, wood splintered. The remains of what appeared to be a snake were nailed to it. There had not been any life in this place for a long time. Yet, the wards were strong, almost impenetrable - a combination of spells, runes, Dark Magic, and traps. The amount of time it took their combined efforts to tear down the multiple, protective layers was a testament to Voldemort's magical prowess.

Unsurprisingly, the inside of the shack was inhabitable, filled with broken objects, dust, and mold. Beside him, Albus failed to suppress a sneeze, causing a fleeting smile to appear of Gellert's lips.

"There it is", Dumbledore spoke, gaze focused on a small box resting in the center of the room, adorned in a beautiful design of dark wood carvings.

They scanned the box, finding nothing but a few simple hexes. With a flick of his wand, Gellert lifted the lid off, revealing a gaudy ring - one that was definitely not up to parr with his sense of style. Yet, it was not the fact that the object radiated dark, twisted Magic in stifling waves, which made him gasp.

"Is that...", the German whispered, voice barely audible, too shaken to register anything but the symbol etched into the stone of the ring. His own coat of arms - the image that shaped his past - glared at him from the back of a Horcrux.

As though in trance, Albus reached his long, slender fingers towards the jewelry, hand shaking with anticipation and fear. The vision took Gellert by surprise, crashing over his head like a tidal wave.

The ring, sitting on Dumbledores fingers - skin dark and charred. A spreading curse seeking its way towards the heart. Albus, falling, falling, falling - eyes unseeing, cold, DEAD.

Grindelwald's scream pierced the eerie, anticipating silence of the hut, as his hand shot forward, ripping the other's away from the Horcrux - away from a certain death.

"Don't", he panted, breathing erratic, words pained, "it's cursed. You touch it, you die."

The sorrow, the loss, in the depth of Albus' incredibly blue eyes made him want to change the world, to do everything in his power to help the man. Gellert understood the origins of his love's pain. Too clearly, he remembered the look of utter shock and betrayal he had given him, as his sister's corpse fell to the ground. Yet, he could not allow the man to welcome death, not when the world depended on him - not when Gellert was unsure whether or not he could live without him.

"Ariana... I- I just need to", the older wizard stammered, logic and emotion fighting a war inside his mind.

"You will", came the comforting answer, "once we dismantle the curse and destroy the Horcrux. Can you hold on this long or would you like me to do this?"

"Would you- please- I-"

"Albus", Grindelwald murmured, "Liebes, wait for me in Hogwarts. I will be there in no time with the ring."

With a shaken nod, Dumbledore left the hut, limbs trembling, barely conscious. It was an act of utter trust, that he allowed him to take care of the object the German had obsessively searched for half a century. With a sigh, Gellert turned towards the ring. It would be a long night.

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