13 - Lavender & Accept.

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Zayn Malik - Tightrope

Nobody likes the smell of a hospital waiting area.

Nobody likes the smell of anything related to the hospital. If they do, they're probably trying to be defensive of their internal fear of that dreaded place.

Zara sinks into the bench as her tired eyes take in the dull walls and fast paced environment. The doctors and nurses are swift, sharp and concentrated.

Every single smell is throwing her off and there's already an empty bowl waiting for her just in case she wants to puke, again. There's a hand waiting to comfort her and it doesn't belong to Harry.

Zara turns to look at the older woman with a tight smile and Imogen pushes the pack of almonds into her hand. It's plain almonds and it has no irritating smell so far.

Knowing she's starving after emptying her stomach this morning, she doesn't fight it and she collects the pack.

"Thank you," she mutters.

"Eat up," Imogen encourages her.

Due to reasons she has refused to share with any other soul, Zara wanted Imogen to accompany her to the hospital.

Harry was a little confused because he's been prepared to be by her side through their decision but she changed her mind last minute. He didn't fight it because she knows what she wants best for sure.

Imogen is an Aunt figure to two of them anyway and she's the reason why they met. Maybe that's why Zara feels the need to have her with her. Who knows?

"These almonds have no taste," Zara gags.

"Better that way, do not puke," Imogen lightly warns.

"I can't help it. This child hates everything," she curls up on her side, leaning into the wall.

"What are you doing?" the older woman is confused.

"My tummy is biting me. Baby H hates the food," Zara whispers.

Imogen looks like she wants to laugh and she manages to conceal it.

"What in the world is Baby H?" Imogen asks.

"Baby H? Like Harry's baby," she shrugs.

"Why not Baby Z?"

"Reminds me of world war Z for some daft reason,"

"And Baby H doesn't sound like Baby Hulk to you?"

Zara pouts with an offended frown. That obviously didn't cross her mind.

"You're such a hater," she says.

"Just pointing things out. How long are we supposed to be waiting? My wife is making dinner," Imogen stretches out her legs and wiggles them.

"Well, I don't exactly have an appointment," Zara buries her face into the pack of Almonds.

This causes Imogen to slowly turn to her with a raised eyebrow. Her expression is currently unreadable because it's floating between rage and actual concern.

Zara slowly swallows the almonds and exhales, realising the jig is up.

"What do you mean, Hughes?" Imogen asks.

"I - I am very confused right now in my life," Zara manages to say.

Zara sounds her voice is barely a whisper.

"I swear you told me you were coming here to discuss your options," the older woman says.

"Oh I already looked up stuff online and I have a window before I can - yeah do that," Zara tries to beat around the bush.

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