1 - Old Lesbians & Mick Jagger.

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Two unassuming humans cross paths for the first time.

There's something special about cooking food with your own hands for the ones we love.

This is something Zara learnt from her grandmother in West Africa during summer holidays and it is something that managed to stick through college, culinary school and now her everyday life.

It always amazed her as she watched the wrinkled experienced hands of her dear grandmother wash rice, season fish and sometimes mess with hot charcoals in the wide spread compound belonging to their family home.

Today, she's doing the exact same thing but in a totally different location; a lovely vintage flat somewhere in North London. It was an impromptu request and truly one her heart couldn't dare turn down. Zara folds the sleeves of her black long sleeve ribbed turtleneck top and picks up a glass bowl of assorted vegetables.

There's laughter coming from the living room and a tune softly plays in the background. It is a lovely Sunday evening, just at the end of June.

Along with utensils and ingredients, a hearty glass of wine makes itself comfortable on the marble slab. Zara eyes her glass before downing it in one gulp, that should be enough to push through this evening.

"Is that your third glass?" a concerned voice sounds.

"Who's counting?" Zara huffs.

"The owner of the bottle," the woman chuckles, nearly sashaying into the kitchen.

Zara cracks a smile at the sight of Imogen looking darling as ever in her floral jumpsuit with auburn hair pulled up into a truly messy bun. Imogen balances heavy brown framed glasses on the bridge of her nose as she observes the upcoming arrangement with pride in her eyes.

"Like what you see?" Zara muses, sprinkling roughly chopped parsley on a salad.

Imogen brings her palms to Zara's cheeks and gently cups them with a laugh.

"You're such a gem, my love," she beams.

"Anything for my old lesbian," Zara laughs, wriggling out of the hold.

"Okay young straight, who shoved a stick up there?" Imogen rolls her eyes.

"Is it that obvious?" Zara frowns.

"I can tell when you're in a shitty mood, out with it," Imogen helps herself to Zara's fresh glass.

"I feel the food is not enough, I know you said it's super intimate but still," Zara places the bowl down.

"You're overthinking this," Imogen smiles.

"It's your anniversary, I don't want to ruin this," Zara sighs.

"Freya and I haven't managed to ruin us, trust me you're okay," the older woman chuckles.

Zara is now the one rolling her eyes as she stands next to Imogen.

"You two can never ruin anything," she muses.

"Easy for you to say. You're not partnered to that old fairy out there," Imogen laughs.

"Have I said how jealous I am? You two make me want to believe in love again," Zara smiles.

"You stopped believing for some reason?" Imogen glances at Zara.

Zara shrugs. "It doesn't seem like something that'll ever happen to me."

"You're too young to be chatting shit like this," Imogen pats her arm.

"Whatever, I'd rather focus on making my coins anyway," Zara returns to a beautiful pan of roasted vegetables.

"Sounds defensive but I won't push it," Imogen smiles.

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