8 - Menus & Ugly Emotions.

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Harry's heavy eyes flutter open and he grunts in discomfort, realising he has fallen asleep on his arm and he nearly yelps in pain.

For some seconds he has no memory of where he is or what time it is before taking in his environment.

Right, this is Zara and Poppy's flat. He exhales and sinks further into the comfortable couch, wondering how long he has been asleep for.

With Poppy's travelling increasing these days, he has seen himself visiting more than usual and spending way more time with Zara in her place.

The silence in the flat is weird and he remembers Zara went to pick her colleague she's planning an event with.

He rolls his eyes as he remembers her constant praises and borderline obsession with this former wunderkind chef that won the hearts of culinary Britain before he was sixteen.

Now as an adult, he's settled out of the limelight and chooses to consult for competitions, cooking shows and small events here and there.

Harry sits up as his phone rings and he checks the caller ID - Jeff.

His face firms up on seeing the time and he lets out a deep breath before finally answering the call.

"Hi," he simply says.

"Wow, The Harry Styles answers his calls, finally," Jeff sounds relieved.

"What's up?" Harry says.

"Aside from being stark worried that you completely went offline and almost off the grid?" Jeff chuckles.

"I'm sure you called for a reason, mate," Harry keeps a straight face.

"I honestly just tried to see if you'll answer me," Jeff replies.

"How's your family?" Harry keeps it formal.

"You don't have to do this," Jeff sighs. "How are you doing?"

"I'm well," Harry says.

"Gemma says you've been getting some rest, that's great to hear too," Jeff says.

"Do you want to know if I happen to be writing songs during my hiatus?" Harry frowns.

"No. I sincerely called to check on you," Jeff replies.

"To be sure I'm doing okay to return to work as soon as possible," Harry scoffs.

"I can't make you return to work, you drafted an agreement for your hiatus, remember?" Jeff sighs.

"So, what exactly are you calling for?" Harry says through his teeth.

"People call to check on people, you know? Friends do that, Harry," Jeff is honest.

The door to the flat opens allowing Zara to walk in laughing and Harry smiles on hearing her voice but is yet to turn to look at her.

Harry doesn't pick on the second person that enters the flat behind Zara.

He is suddenly eager to wrap up this pointless phone call and he clears his throat, masking his anger.

"Okay, thanks for calling to check on me," he adjusts his tone.

Before Jeff can respond, he ends the call and properly sits up on the couch.

Zara walks and quickly plants a kiss on his lips.

"You're finally awake," she giggles.

"I needed that nap," his eyes fixed on hers.

"How are you feeling now?" Zara softly brushes a stray curl away from his forehead.

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