5 - The Night Before Pt 1.

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The passing cars send a shiver down Zara's spine as she awkwardly stands there with her Chef's uniform carefully held in one hand and hand bag in the other. 

It's still bright out but the unfamiliar street makes her very anxious and uncomfortable. 

After spending most of the day standing, cooking and handling guests, Zara is exhausted and aching for a good night's sleep. 

It was a successful event and the hosts promised to recommend her to their family and friends.

Zara is grateful to be wearing comfortable shoes but is now growing impatient. Just as she's about to get out her phone to check, the black G-wagon pulls over right in front of her and Zara slowly backs away before the familiar face comes into sight. 

He steps out of the car with a grin on his face and she lets out a sigh of relief on seeing him.

"I'm not kidnapping you, young lady," Harry playfully says.

"Don't try that again," Zara smiles. "I'm a woman, these things are triggering."

"I'm here to save you."

With that, Harry embraces her with his arms gladly taking her into his hold and Zara rests her cheek on his shoulder. 

There's barely that much of a height difference between them but his hugs are always super comforting because he protectively holds her to him. 

They pull away from the hug and he gently kisses her on the forehead, happy to be staring at her right now.

"Thanks for showing up," she mutters.

"Anything for you," he nods. "Let's go."

On a normal day, Poppy would be the first person here to save her but with Poppy's increased travelling he was the second person on her mind. 

Actually, he was the first on her mind but she wasn't sure if it was asking for too much. Yes, this is his neighbourhood but she doesn't know if it is too soon to ask him to pick her up. 

Eventually, she braved it and texted Harry, he did not hesitate to point out his place is barely twenty minutes away and he's already leaving his flat to pick her up. 

Harry opens the passenger door, ushering her in and she enters the car with a smile. He shuts the door and enters from his own door.

"Nice car," she compliments.

"Thanks. Can I start the ride, ma'am?" he smiles, fixing his seat belt.

Zara follows his lead with a laugh.

"I haven't put in my destination,"

Harry pauses and looks at her. He believed he would be taking her to her flat because he doesn't want to pressure her into visiting his place or even staying the night. 

Some boundaries are yet to be defined and he doesn't want to ask too many questions. He's already talking to her in pure poetry, he might need to chill and go with the flow for once.

"Where are you headed?" he asks, calmly.

"You mentioned living around here," she says.

"That's correct," he nods.

Zara puts a hand on his shoulder, staring at him with a pointed look.

"I want you to invite me to your place," she says. "How clear can I be?"

"Zara, you are never clear," Harry giggles, fighting his sudden shyness.

"Okay now I am being clear, invite me to yours," she says.

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