9 - Argue & Announce.

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Pardon any typos, I'm tired and had to get this out for you, enjoy !

This is the third time it's happening in a week and it's beginning to look a little worrisome.

The phone calls, video calls and heated exchange of mails have started looking shady.

Zara leans against the kitchen counter in his kitchen and raises an eyebrow, watching him face the wall as he wraps up what looks like another heated phone conversation.

The shared plate of breakfast has been long abandoned on the dining table and Zara takes another sip from her glass of fresh juice.

The hunger has long worn out and right now she just wants this to be over and done with.

On her is one of Harry's t-shirts he has personally set aside for whenever she chooses to spend the night in his place and it smells like him, something she likes a lot.

Harry angrily slaps his hand against the wall before remembering there's someone watching him and he exhales to calm himself.

"This is exactly why I signed an agreement," his voice is brimming with anger.

Zara scrolls through her phone, checking for new messages or just anything to distract her from his anger.

It has been back and forth. What is it? That's the thing, she has no idea.

Harry does not exactly enjoy sharing a lot with her and it's a little uncomfortable.

There's no label to their relationship but there's a little bit of expectation.

Realising there's nothing new on her phone, she sets it aside and sighs, waiting to return to breakfast with him.

Harry calms down as he wraps up his phone call.

"I'll let you know, when I'm ready," he says.

The call ends and he slowly pockets his phone. He turns around to see Zara with a patient smile on her face and he exhales before walking over to her.

Harry leans down to press a kiss to her waiting lips and she slowly pulls away.

"You good?" Zara hums.

"Sure," he clears his throat. "Back to breakfast."

"Wait," she stares at him.

"What's up?" Harry asks, sitting before her.

"I should be asking you that, what's up?" Zara asks.

"Oh, the call?" he picks up his fork and drags it across the plate of food.

"Come off it, H," she rolls her eyes.

"Just a few protocols about my hiatus and some postponed gigs," he shrugs, shoving some food into his mouth.

"I know but what's making you so angry?" she continues

Harry gradually eats, thinking of ways to avoid sharing the full details with her, and he cracks a small smile at her concern of him.

He reaches to touch her hand and she gently pulls away from his hold. There's a little tension between them these past days.

She asks, he doesn't answer. It is getting annoying.

"Hey, come on," he mumbles.

"These calls have been bothering you," she points out.

"Yeah, I know," he gulps.

"Do you want to maybe share what's going on?" she raises an eyebrow.

"It's nothing. Just work stuff, you know?" Harry shrugs.

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