18 - Cravings & Drives.

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Harry Styles - Adore You.

With the third swirling wave comes the need to open her eyes. Zara slowly flutters her eyes open in the lowly dimmed room. She blinks at the ceilings and steadies her breathing.

There's always a weird warmth that hits her in the middle of the night. It is warmer than usual and isn't even gone during the winter nights.

To wake or not to wake, that is the confusion. Zara brings a palm to her belly and bites down on her lip, enduring the excited pangs of hunger coming from within.

Next to her is Harry curled up like he's smaller than he actually is and it makes her smile. He passed out mid conversation with the bump (and a book of poems in hand) and she didn't bother making him adjust because of how peaceful he looked in his sleep.

The pangs start again and she silently shushes the pain away. Nothing will make her wake him up in the middle of the night.

Zara turns to check her phone and it's way past midnight. Her body is more used to staying up at night but Harry is always asleep way before midnight. It's kind of cute and weird.

As she slowly swings her legs off the bed to touch the ground, he groans in his sleep and stretches out his hand to her side of the bed.

Zara moves in silence as she avoids waking him up but this protective man is already patting her side with a frown on his face. Instantly, he opens his eyes and frowns in slight confusion.

Nothing comes to his mind at first until he looks up to see her smiling at him. Zara stands there wearing nothing but a pair of maternity shorts and fuzzy knee high socks for her night.

This is probably the most adorable thing pregnancy has produced for them because of how much heat she starts to feel at night. A lazy smile forms on his face and she melts at the sight.

Something about his one side droopy smile that always works for her. The dimple is soft and his eyes are super tired. He stretches out a hand to her, gesturing at her to return to the bed.

Zara rolls her eyes and gently sits on the bed, touching his soft hair.

"You should be sleeping," she softly points out.

"You're up, why tha'?" He speaks with a heavy drawl.

"Your babies are hungry," she pouts, pointing at herself and the bump.

The last time she said "babies", he freaked out and assumed they were having twins. It was a fun moment but she's not repeating that mistake.

"Oh no - no way. Something must be done," he clears his throat.

"I was on my way to do that. You should sleep," Zara says.

The last drop of sleep disappears from his eyes and he slowly sits up. He knuckles at his eyes and checks his phone. They know how wild and daring her cravings can be.

Silently, he rises from the bed and adjusts the t-shirt on himself. Zara watches him move with all the seriousness he can muster and he silently walks into the bathroom.

Saying nothing, she waits for him for some minutes and he returns with a folded hoodie and sweatpants belong to Zara. She smiles at him and slowly shakes her head at how caring he can truly be.

"What are you craving mummy?" he teases her.

"What if I'm not craving anything serious?" she asks.

"Oh please, I know you and I don't need the lies," he scoffs.

"Whatever," she takes the folded t-shirt from him.

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