Chapter 6: Trying

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Sooyoung rang the bell at the receptionist's desk of the apartment building where San lived. She rocked on the balls of her feet as she waited for the receptionist to let her in.

A young man stepped out and moved to the computer. He gave her a quick glance over, the look in his eyes changing briefly. "Who are you visiting today, miss?"

Her voice was quiet, shaky. "San Choi, apartment 1810."

"Thank you," he responded, typing away. "Sooyoung Kim, correct?"

She nodded, handing him her driver's license. He scanned it before returning it. "The elevator is straight to your left."

Sooyoung gave a quiet 'thank you' and carried on towards the elevator. Her suitcase's wheels created a ticking noise over the tile floors, reminding her of something she'd rather not think about.

It's not like she could have even heard the bomb going off, but the tick of the wheels going through the gaps between the tiles sounded exactly like time running out on a bomb. Sooyoung stepped into the glass elevator and looked out into the city as she slowly ascended to the 18th floor.

It was a Saturday, but the city felt like it had reached a standstill. As she looked out into the distance, it felt like there were fewer lights on, fewer cars out on the streets. The ripple effect from just one event was clear.

In that moment, she forgot something important- her date. On this very day, she was going to meet up with her boyfriend who still worked for Weston in New York- Matthew. It still hadn't crossed her mind until she glanced at her phone and checked her messages, only to find that Matthew had not sent a single message to her.

She shoved her phone into her purse and tried to think of any excuse, any way of justifying why he hadn't contacted her. He's my boyfriend, for fuck's sake, Sooyoung thought. I should trust him, shouldn't I?

Sooyoung knocked on the door of apartment 1810 and heard San yell in response. "Give me one second!"

His words were followed by a series of loud- and rather concerning- sounds that sounded like pots and pans falling to the floor. Part of her wanted to think the worst but when the door opened those thoughts faded away.

San was covered in a lot of flour, everything from his hair to his apron and shirt. And, for the first time in a few days, Sooyoung felt a real laugh bubble up inside her chest. He had a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry! I was trying to make you some cookies and had... some difficulties. I just put them in the oven."

She couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Well?"

San stared blankly at her before noticing her still standing outside. "Right, right. Come inside," he beckoned her in. "You can set yourself up in the last room down that hallway. I'll clean up and then we can talk dinner." He gently pushed her in the right direction and started wiping down the kitchen.

Sooyoung stepped inside the room and placed her suitcase and purse on top of a cabinet. Before unpacking, she checked to make sure the drawers were empty. The closet to her right was also empty, leaving her a lot of room to get settled.

When she went into the bathroom, she finally got a good look at herself in the mirror. She had not noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes that she was wearing at the mall. Part of her felt like it was still hours, minutes ago rather than a couple of days ago.

Dirt and concrete covered her dress shirt, the rest of her clothes dirty, and her hair on the wilder side, but her face was clean. Sooyoung's face was free of dirt, but her cheeks were just slightly sunken in, eyes slightly bloodshot and baggy, face pale. That was why the receptionist looked at me like that, she thought. Sure, she was grateful for being able to stand there in that moment, but all she could see staring at her reflection was fear.

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