Chapter 2: BOOM

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"When you said that you needed to go shopping, I didn't think that we were going to a furniture store." Sooyoung told Jungkook as she stepped out of the car.

"Where did you think we would go?" He questioned. "I just moved here- I need furniture and a nice bed to sleep on."

"Well," She began. "You know how picky I am right? I'll end up picking everything for you." She finished, knowing exactly what would happen because this situation seemed eerily similar to one from college.

"That's exactly why I picked you. Now come on, make my house look like a palace!" He beamed while pulling her towards the furniture store.


"You truly have a horrible taste in furniture. Tell me why you need a neon green couch for your living room!" She asked him. "This looks tacky and disgusting. I'm a little ashamed to know you right now."

"It's a statement piece! Wouldn't it look amazing if it was in the middle of a living room?" Jungkook beamed with artistic pride, even using his upper body to gesture like an interior designer.

"We'll take the grey couch I asked about earlier," She told the saleswoman walking around with them, ignoring Jungkook entirely.

"Traitor." Jungkook mumbled back.

He followed after Sooyoung as they navigated the large furniture store. To say that it was filled with anything extraordinary was lie, but everything here was just about plain enough that it looked nice. The saleswoman led us towards a room of nearly 50 coffee tables and what was described as a 'wide array' of shelves and side tables.

Suddenly, the boredom of furniture shopping almost made her let Jungkook buy his stupid lime green couch. She had to make it through somehow, even if she was sacrificing her sanity while doing so.

The furniture shopping lasted for another hour before both Jungkook and Sooyoung decided that perhaps they had better ways to spend their time. They were soon speeding down the highway towards a shopping mall, oddly on the search for ice cream rather than clothing.

There was no ice cream, unfortunately, and they instead had to opt for a small frozen yogurt place that Jimin and Sooyoung frequently visited. A kind lady named Margaret in her mid-70's ran the tiny store that was tucked away in a hidden pocket of the mall. Her body visibly perked up at the sight of a familiar face.

"Oh, Sooyoung, I haven't seen you in months. Come give this old lady a hug!" She beckoned. Sooyoung was also eager to visit her- she was someone incredibly memorable. In fact, Sooyoung could still recall the day she first met Margaret three years ago.


Okay, we were definitely lost. Where on earth was this dress shop?

"Don't make me say I told you so. We should've just looked at that mall map that we passed." Jimin told Sooyoung.

It was a place that Sooyoung had discovered online. Of course, it was also a little suspect- completely hand-tailored dresses at a bargain price with the added bonus of quality materials. It was also conveniently located at a popular mall not too far away.

Sooyoung really wanted a new dress to wear on a date with her boyfriend, Matthew. This just turned out to be perfect! She filled out a little survey, gave her measurements, and got emailed a sketch of a positively gorgeous mid-length dress in the prettiest shade of baby blue. Who would even think of passing it up?

A few quick weeks pass by and she gets a text telling her that the dress was ready to be picked up. It seemed too good to be true, so she had to drag Jimin along.

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