Chapter 3.5: A Beautiful Day

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Jimin opened the door to the rooftop and was met with intense brightness.

The sky was perfectly clear, and the sun in front of him was setting behind the superstructures of the city. Hints of orange were beginning to appear between the gaps of the skyscrapers.

Behind him, the sky was still a brilliant blue. The noise of the city-dwellers was surprisingly tame for the early evening, and there was even a cool breeze as the night slowly approached.

He walked to the edge of the roof, placing his hand on the concrete barrier which was cool to the touch. Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the lovely environment around him.

A sound appeared from behind him. He opened his eyes and turned around, leaning on the concrete.

An incredibly blurry woman with flowing black hair walked up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. She took Jimin's hand, which donned a platinum band on the ring finger, and placed it on her check. He could see the glimmer of a matching ring on her ring finger.

Jimin didn't even bother being confused, because no matter who this woman was, she was clearly his future wife. Though he couldn't make out who she was, he knew. It was a gut feeling.

They didn't exchange any words, but rather looked into each other's eyes. It was an incredible moment- just two people who had found their place in the bustling world around them.

Her hands moved to rest on Jimin's chest. His hands moved to hold her waist.

Then she pushed him.

Jimin fell over the edge and the woman was getting further and further away. He could feel the wind through his limbs, fingers, and hair.

The distance felt unbearable- Jimin felt as if he was falling in slow motion. Turning his body around as best he could, he caught sight of his landing spot. Though, it was more certain death rather than a safe landing.

He could only shut his eyes and await his fate, but before he could, a massive black hole appeared in the road below him. There was no way to avoid it, and so, he let it swallow him hole.

The light of the world above him slowly faded away as he fell into the dark void.


After a while, Jimin couldn't tell if he was still falling or not. He couldn't see himself nor feel himself. It was as if he was nothing but a mere soul. What the hell is happening to me? He thought.

Suddenly, he felt himself crashing into hard concrete, the pebbles on the floor uncomfortably burying into his clothes. Getting up, Jimin found himself in some underground parking garage, a few levels below the ground, it seemed.

Looking down, he saw that he was wearing his black stealth suit. Touching his face, he felt the soft fabric of his mask.

The parking garage was empty, not even a single car in sight. Above him, the lights slightly flickered before temporarily going out. When they turned back on, he was surrounded.

Seven people surrounded him, wearing the same stealth suit he was, sans a mask.

Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Sooyoung. All but Sooyoung drew their guns, pointing them straight at Jimin.

"Better we do this now," Jungkook began, "Before your petty revenge plot kills us instead."

A look of devastation and disappointment was present on Sooyoung's face. "You lied to me. Every day, you lied to me. Every minute, you lied to me. Every second, you lied to me." She cried.

She finally drew her gun and pressed it to Jimin's temple. "Do you really deserve to be called a hero, after all the lives you destroyed in the process? Did you even really save anyone but yourself?" Her voice was low, full of an unknown and surprising malice. "Right now, this is where it all really ends, before your drive for selfish justice murders anyone else."

Jimin wanted to say something, anything. Yet, not a single word could leave his mouth. Did I even deserve to say anything? Did I deserve to call myself any derivation of "savior"?

He couldn't bear the sight of her being behind the barrel. He shut his eyes with as much force as possible, unable to look.

The trigger clicked, but the bullet did not fire.

Jimin opened his eyes to find himself in the basement lounge of his home. Looking and listening around, it didn't seem that anyone was there, but he did spot a set of bloody footprints behind him.

Following the trail, he left the lounge and followed it to the empty space where he used to host banquets.

A place once decorated with cocktail tables and ornate decorations was now barren. Seven dead bodies occupied the space instead.

A gun appeared in Jimin's hands. It was only then that he noticed the dried blood on his hands. The footprints were his.

He was covered in the blood of the people who cared about him most.

I killed them. I killed them. I killed them.


The scene blacked out and Jimin awoke from the nightmare. He was drenched in sweat and his breathing was erratic. It took a few moments, but he calmed down.

He got out of bed and went to check on Sooyoung, to see if she was okay. He felt an obligation to do so every time he had the nightmare.

Sighing out of exhaustion, Jimin decided to go downstairs and grab a drink from the minibar in the kitchen. He poured himself some whiskey and sat down on a barstool.

It's just another night, he reassured himself. Everything has been, and will be, okay.

But at the end of it all, will everything ever be same?


A/N: Another update, woohoo! I guess a beautiful day did sound a bit to optimistic for the bleak environment at the moment...

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in my posting a chapter with my influences for the book? It'll probably be updated as I write new chapters. Let me know if you're interested in the comments. Til next time!


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