Chapter 10

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Breaking News!

We interrupter this program to bring you some breaking news! This morning two demons where seen terrorizing the teens in Gotham High. Batman arrived on the seen but by then the two demons had vanished. Gotham High has postponed school for the week to repair the damages, the attack left some injured but thankfully no one dead, David back to you...

Grayson turned off the t.v. in the hospital room where I was taken to after this mornings events. I had a small concussion but other than that I was fine. I did not see it necessary to be in the hospital but Jon insisted to not bring any unwanted attention on me. So here I sat in my hospital bed Grayson and Father at my side. The rest of the team is with Koriand'r, safe and unharmed form the attack.

"Are you sure what you saw Damian?" Father asked me, for the 100th time since I explained what saved me.

"For the final time Father, I am sure what I saw." I said a bit annoyed that he has asked me this many time.

"We just wanna make sure Dami, If the person who saved you is real..." Grayson tried to explain but I interrupted him.

"If she was not there than I would be dead, again." I said, bringing up my death, where my clone brother killed me as I protected Grayson.

The room went quiet Father and Grayson finally realized how serious I was about this, about her. Despite me not liking to admit it what I said was true. I had no way to defend myself without giving my alter ego away and even if I was willing to break code and fight in my civilian form I still would not been able to take them down. If she... Raven had not been there I would have died, again.

I took a deep breath before speaking. " I know it sounds impossible, but my life continuing on is proof that Raven is real."

There was another quiet moment before Father said. "We need to find her."

Grayson and I nodded then made plains to meet at the bat cave with the Titans to discuss our next move. Father left to organize the meeting while Grayson and I sat in silence for a few minuets before there was a knock at the door.

" Come in!" Grayson yelled to the person on the other side of the door, which reviled to be a nurse.

"Mr. Wayne there are some visitors here for you." The nurse said, I signaled her to let them in.

I regretted that dissension immediately.

As soon as I said yes, I was tackled by Jon, Garfield and Reyes.

"Get off!" I commanded as the three imbeciles continued to tackle me, Donna Koriand'r and Terra all stood behind them with smirks on there faces. I finally manged to get them off, threatening not to give them any of Alfred's cookies, which he gave to father when he heard of the attack. They all retreated, no one wants to be banished from Alfred's cookies. They sat around and ate them as I told them what happened after we all got separated.

"What happened to Rachel?" I asked them, having not seen her after I got out of the school.

"I saw Rachel go home with her brother, she didn't look hurt from what I saw." Donna said, easing my worry that I had no clue I even had for Rachel. After a few more hours the rest of the team left,I had to stay the night which I despised. Grayson left to go talk to the nurses and left me alone. While I layed there was a knock at the door, I let them enter, thinking it was Grayson.

"Hey Damian." said the unexpected visitor.

I looked up to see Rachel, she was holding a basket full of sweets that I'm sure were for me but I would likely give to Garfield later, but that's not what caught my eye, it was the large scratch on her right cheek that got me worried.

"Rachel." I said, a bit shocked and worried.

She walked closer and put the basket on the table next to my bed, before I could talk she said.

"I can't stay long I just wanted to thank you for getting me out of there and hope you feel better." She said, her face showed no emotion but I could tell something was off.

She began to walk away but I stopped her by calling her name, she turned, looking at me anxiously.

"What happened to your cheek?" I asked still worrying that she was hurt.

Rachel put her hand to her cheek and said.

"Oh I just scratched by running away this morning, I'll be fine." She said and with that she left.

As I sat there, I knew one thing for certain.

She's Lying.

Hello readers!

Sorry for the delay, I was a bit busy with the holidays and the start of school. I will try to upload but I can't promise anything. Sorry if the if the intro was confusing, I decided to try something new, tell me what you guys think. Thank you all for being patient, I hope you have a Good Day/Night!

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