Chapter 2

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Damian's POV

To say I was confused would be an understatement.

I turned around to face Grayson just to make sure I heard it correctly.

"What?" I asked more curious than anything else

Grayson smirked since he was able to get my attention

"I thought that would get your attention come on let's go."He said as he walked out of the door way and to what I presume to be the lounge area in the house.

I scowled as I got up. I hate it when he is right. Then I followed him still trying to figure out what was so bad in Gotham that not only Batman could not take care of it, but that he is asking for HELP because of it.

We made it to the lounge area where the team was all standing in front of a screen on a call with the one and only, Batman or also known as my Father.

" Good, Is that everyone?" He asked Looking around the room to make sure we weren't missing anybody.

Kori nodded and then asked " What is the reason you have called us Batman?"

Father looked around the room before sighing and answering

" I need all of the Teen Titans to come to Gotham and help me defeat a cult rising in Gotham."

Dicks POV

Everyone was silent for a moment. Even I was a bit shocked. I mean Bruce Wayne, the Dark Night, Mr. "I work alone" is asking for help. Not just Damian and I either but all of the teen titans? Okay something must seriously be wrong in Gotham.

Damian was the first one to ask a question. "What is the cults plan Father?"

Bruce sighed and then pulled up a picture of people in all white cloaks running away into the shadows before responding.

"These people have been meeting together and have slowly been taking over every gang in Gotham. They have been growing slowly but surely taking over the city."

"How?" Garfield still holding a half eaten bag of chips in his hand.

Bruce looked at him for a moment scowling before changing the picture on the screen. It was a big red blob that almost looked human if it hadn't had horns and four red eyes with red skin to match.

"These things look like to be some type of demon but I can't tell exactly what they are with out a proper examination. They seem to be some sort of warrior and are summoned only when a fight happens. " Batman said

"Do you know what they want?" Jon asked looking a little terrified of the red humanoid creature displayed in front of them.

Bruce then changed the picture to a bald man who wore a white robe as well.

"This man is said to be the leader of the cult he goes by the name Brother Blood." Bruce said while everyone else had a look of recognition on there faces. They had all seen this man in commercials advertising for people to join his church.

Bruce continued what he was saying "It is said that he will summon an demonic like figure known as Trigon. This demonic entity is known for taking over other worlds and will attempt to take over this one as well."

"So what will we do in Gotham? Fight along your side in battle?" Jaime asked curios about our role in this mission.

"No you will be going undercover as students in Gotham Academy."Bruce said

Everyone must of been visibly confused because Bruce signed and pulled another picture of a girl. She had short dark purple almost black hair, with purple eyes and grayish skin.

" This girl is said to be the daughter of brother blood. She is attending Gotham Academy this year, your mission is to go undercover as new students and befriend her to see if you can get any information out of her." Bruce said

"And if she is dangerous?"Damian asked

"Then we bring her to the cave for question until the whole cult is taken down. Does everyone understand?" Bruce said looking as serious as ever. When everyone nodded he continued to speak

"Good, you will leave for Gotham tomorrow and start school on Monday. While you are on this mission you will be staying in a penthouse I have already set up. I will see you when you get here Titans." And with that he hung up

" All right everybody go pack you things we leave first thing tomorrow morning so get packed and get some sleep. I'm talking to you and Jon Garfield." I said looking at the two night owls of the team who almost never go to sleep. Damian stays up at night as well but even Damian Al Gul knows when his body needs sleep.

The boys nodded and went of in there rooms to pack while Jaime went to go call his family and girlfriend before he packed everything up. Jon, Donna, Terra, and Damian left together talking to Donna about what type of clothes to wear since she has never been to Gotham.This left me and Kori alone in silence before Kori asked

" What do you think the girls role has to do in all of this?"

We looked back at the girl with purple hair on the screen before I answered

" I'm not sure but I just hope they keep her out of it so she can have a normal life after this."

I said as I looked at the name that way typed below the picture:

Rachel Roth

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