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sorry loves fr the clifthanger im pretty sure most of yall know who it is already tho

so lets get to the story


"who the fuck-" i said and looked up and saw KELLY

"oh hell no, who invited her" i said looking at the couches

"my old hag made me bring her" bakugo said

"welp sorry love but we have a full house already" mia said and use her telekinisis to close the dor in her face

"welp that's one way" i said walking and sitting in a bean bag

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong


"just turn the tv up" momo said

Ding dong

Ding dong

"WHO THE FUCK RINGING MY MOMMA DOOR BELL LIKE THEY LOST THEIR DAMN MIND" amare said as he walked down stairs and activated his quirk and made a fire sword

Ding dong

"ring this door bell one more - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" amare yelled opening the front door

"i'm bakugo friend, who are you" kelly said

"i'm someone that lives here, bakugo come get your girl i was in the middle of sum" amare said

"is that why you in your boxers" kamanari said

"yea man, my girl upstairs" he said smirking

"aww man you have a girlfriend i mean she don't gotta-" kelly was cut off by a white lighting bolt that landed in front of her and gripped her by the neck

"you wanna finish that sentence darling" the lighting bolt formed as a woman

"welp you made her mad" i said

"wait dalila?" kamanari asked

"denki hey," she said, she had blond hair with a white lighting bolt in her hair and a white lightning tattoo on her thigh

"you too know each other" amare asked

"yea babe that's my little brother denki" dalila said

"i- i - can't - b-breath" kelly said as she tried to remove dalila arm

"listen you little girl if you ever look or even breath at him i will kill you, understand" dalila said with her eyes turning white

"i-- understand" she replied

"good, omg are you little den girlfriend" dalila said as she dropped kelly and ran to denki and jirou relly fast

"wow your fast" sero said

"thank you, i know how to control my quirk unlike this bozo" she said

"rude" denki said

"bae lets go an leave them" amare said as he threw dalila over his shoulder and smaked her butt

"try not to make to much noise" i yelled

kelly stood up and walked over to bakugo and sat next to him and he moved over some

~~~~~~~~ time skip

"ok lets play truth or dare" mia said

"sure" everyone said

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