Move on

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Ok it's kinda late 11:40 but ehh kinda feel like writing so yea ......please don't hate me with The Whole dabi thing in my next story will make up for it ok 😁😁


I started to cry and felt disgusted when ever he touched me I would scream for him to stop but he wouldn't and mr.compress would come in and give me food in a wash me up and fix my hair and he was surprisingly good at it.

I was grateful for him even tho he was a villain he would always save me from Dabi when he could've helped me escape but I doubt that will happen it's been a maybe a few weeks or months. I have no idea most days were blurred from crying so much and for the past few days I've been feeling sick to my stomach. dabi then walked in the room with a phone and computer.

"Look love they think your dead should I send them a picture" he said showing me the news on the computers my family was crying and Katsuki looked like he was gonna explode from the mix emotions, all my friends were upset. I wanted to cry but I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry anymore I was numb to his burns and the bruises I ran dry of tears.

"Mhm welp pictures it is, say cheese love" he said recoding me

"GO TO HELL" I said spitting at him then the collar chain around my neck shocked me and I screamed from the pain and he showed me he sent the video to the news cast and my parents then broke the phone so they couldn't trace it.

He turned the computer back to me and I saw the look of sadness and relief on their faces as they watched the video and the news had also played the video. the reporters tried to get a response for the video and everyone kept saying 'no comment' while bakugo blew up a camera that was in his face and walked up looking like he was on the brink of tears. I then started to puke my guts out in the bucket they gave me.

"Mhm maybe I should get a doctor to heal you" he said walking out, and I sat their daydreaming about my life if I didn't get kidnapped, our house and our kids.


It's been 2 months since asia was taken and am being crowned the number 2 hero in a few months but I didn't care I knew asia really deserves that title but I didn't let it get to me, they wouldn't let me on the case due to my relationship to her and neither was her father, I was getting aggravated and they was gonna pronounce that she was dead and gave up the investigation today but that wasn't true we were gonna keep doing the search but in private I was trying to keep my cool till I saw the video that her parents received not wanting me to see, I looked and saw the love my life sitting on the ground with a bucket next to her and she was in a big shirt with no pants and it showed her bruises and cuts along with the burns I assumed were from dabi man and I gonna kill him and icy hot has been beyond furious with his family and his brother because he kidnapped his best friends, right after the graduation Todoroki moved out into a complex and rented out the houses next door till we were ready to move in and a few weeks later everyone was moving in except me it was one more house in the middle between raccoon eyes and shitty hair and icy hot house

It's been 2 months since asia was taken and am being crowned the number 2 hero in a few months but I didn't care I knew asia really deserves that title but I didn't let it get to me, they wouldn't let me on the case due to my relationship to her a...

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