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So I got dressed and I was wearing

I'm kinda glad I can wear dresses again because I had my nice shape back and I also had a hot mom body I also grew boobs haha not flat chested anymore

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I'm kinda glad I can wear dresses again because I had my nice shape back and I also had a hot mom body I also grew boobs haha not flat chested anymore. but we all were wearing dresses or shorts since it was summer time so that it would be easier to get our toes done.

"Ok we will leave now I will call every hour or 2 to check up on akio and if you don't answer I fly back here and beat you all to your black and blue understand" I said with a stern voice and I gave akio a kiss and walked out not even saying anything to Katsuki

"Love you boys" the girls said to their fiancée or boyfriend and we all got in the car

Mina in the passenger seat, me driving , jirou, momo and Jazmine in the back with Mia it was a big truck with 3 rows (still feel like I'm missing someone)

"Ok so I rented out my favorite nail shop for us" Mina said

"Ok then we can to a buffet or something" mia said

"Sure" I said driving

~~~ at the nail salon

"Asia I noticed you didn't say anything to bakugo why" momo said

"Because he told me about Lilith and I need some time" I said picking a color

"What about her" Jazmine said

"Apparently she claims she is pregnant with his baby" I said in a monotone

"What, how many months is she" they asked

"Id say 7 months maybe because he said it was the day before I was found when y'all went to the club.. he said he doesn't remember nothing at all from the night so theirs a chance she is lying right" I said sitting down and putting my feet in the water

"She should take a DNA test just in case" jirou said getting her nails done

"I know I'm just trying not to hope for the worst.. because I have a child by someone obviously the way it happened is different from him but still..." I said

"Yea I agree I don't believe Katsuki would cheat on you" Jazmine said.

"Mhm but it's been an hour and half I'm gonna check on akio" I said getting my phone

"You still don't trust them" mia said

"It's not that I don't trust them I'm just scared that's all" I said

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