Cheating (bonus)

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It's been 2 months since touya got out of prison  and Katsuki has been distant, I don't wanna assume the worst but I am because we haven't had sex since that fight the day touya got out and usually he is always on me and wants sex but now he sleeps on the couch or in his office... he interacts with the kids but akio noticed and since he is a mommas boy he was on my side ignoring Katsuki.. I felt bad, so here I am at mia house with the other moms

"Asia what's wrong" Jazmine asked

I sighed "it's Katsuki.. he is just I don't know he is being distant towards me and akio is a mommas boy so he is ignoring Katsuki, I don't wanna be the reason they lose a bond" I said sadly looking at my cup of extremely strong alcohol

"Distant how" mia questioned

"He stays at the office over night or sleeps on
the couch.. I even tried to seduce him with his favorite lingerie he bought me and nothing is working" I cried "what if he is cheating on me" I said with tears stinging my eyes, the alcohol was getting to me and my brain was racing.

"Asia don't over think it ok, we all know he loves you he is just stubborn" jasmine said

"But I'm scared what if he really is cheating on me does that mean I'm not good enough anymore, I mean I had 5 kids my body isn't the same anymore" I said as tears ran down my face as i drink my cup of alcohol

"I think he is just getting used to Dabi being around, after everything that happened"Momo said

"I guess" I said and my watched beeped I got a message "well he is staying at the office again so I'll go home now" I said getting up

"I thought he was watching the kids" jirou said

"No only akio is home and I told him not to open the door for anyone, the other 4 are at my brothers house with Mia kids" I said walking to the door

"Do you wanna walk with someone" uraraka asked

"No it's next door I think I can manage later loves" I said walking out and walking home, I open the door to the house and locked it. I checked akio room to see him still sleeping, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed the Hennessy and drank till I blacked out maybe I am over thinking this he loves me to much 


I woke up to the sound of the front door, I must of fell asleep in the kitchen, I just sat up and continued drink the Hennessy, then bakugo walked in

"Are you drinking" he asked

"Yea" I said still drinking till he took it from me

"Where are the kids" he asked

"They are at my brothers house with there cousins, only akio is here and he is sleeping, it is only 3 in the morning, are you just now getting home" I said

"Yes" he muttered, then I noticed his shirt was different and he had something red under his lip





"dammit bakugo i know you hear me" 

"what" he said annoyed 

"why are you wearing a different shirt" asked and he shrugged 

"my other one got dirty" he answered and my nerves was jumping, my mind was racing 

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