Chapter 4

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Jason's POV

I haven't seen Selena since I told her about Yovanna. Normally she's talking about school work, or whatever other bullshit she decides to say right about now.

I'm not used to this. I love when she gives me attention. Unlike Yovanna who's always nagging me on everything I do, Selena actually listens to me.

Don't get me wrong, I have girls on me all the time asking for my number and shit.. but Selena.. she's different.

Did I just say that? No. Hell no. I'm not falling for this girl. Yovanna has all the ass I could ever need.

I still can't believe our parents set us up. See, my folks and her parents were best friends. We went on every outting, and had holidays together.

I guess you could say we were pressured into the relationship. As soon as we got together, Yovanna turned into a clingy bitch. She has to know everywhere I'm going, and who I'm with.

She doesn't trust me no matter how many times she said she does.

I'm looking for something real, but until I find it, I'm stuck with female Hitler.

I spot Selena walking down the hall to her locker. It seems like we're always meeting up this way. I think it's about that time for her to give me attention again.

I grab her hand stopping her in her tracks. "What are you doing Friday night?"

"I'm busy. Sorry." She says, then pulls her hand away from mine before going to her locker.

Is she trying to ignore me? Well guess fucking what? No one ignores Jason McCann.

Letting out a breath, I follow after her, and grab onto her waist pulling her to my chest. "Maybe Saturday then.." I whisper in her ear hoping it's enough to convince her. "Nope. I'm still busy." Her body moves from my grip as she continues grabbing books from her locker. "Sucks when people don't wanna spend time with you, doesn't it?" She barks, then slams her locker door, and struts off to class.

What the fuck just happened? Did I just get rejected..? No.. no one rejects me. Babygirl is just playing hard to get, but I'll get her. I always get them in the end.

Walking into class, I notice Selena isn't in her usual seat. Damn she doesn't make this any easier.

During the middle of the lesson, I glance up at her seeing she's concentrating on the assignment. I rip a piece of paper out of my notebook, then crumble it up before tossing it in her direction. It hits her shoulder, but she doesn't react.

Repeating the action over again, I finally get arose out of her. She turns looking directly at me. "Stop your shit already! I don't wanna talk to you if it wasn't fucking obvious!" She yells.

My signature smirk creeps onto my face. This is very amusing.

"You're cute when you're mad." Yovanna's glare burns holes into the back of my head. I clear my throat before quickly looking down at my paper filling the empty slots with random answers.

"Selena Gomez! That is not the proper way to regard a student in this classroom. Report to the principal's office, immediately." The teacher yells after the outburst.

She picks up her books and stands up. Her eyes find mine before looking in Yovanna's. Shaking her head, she leaves the room. That's the last I see of her the rest of the school day.

I don't understand why she's so mad at me. She knew I was an asshole the minute she met me. Why was she so angry? Yeah, I have a fiancé. So what? That doesn't mean I don't want her attention as well.


I walk across the parking lot glancing around. Selena... She's walking off campus. I jog over to my car quickly getting inside. She's going to talk to me. One way or another.

She stops at the end of the sidewalk waiting for her turn to go. Taking this as my chance, I pull my car up along side her. "I see you walk home every day after school. Need a ride?"

Her eyes never meet mine as she spits out, "My legs work just fine. Why don't you give your fiancé a ride?"

The light turns green, and she walks across the street. A growl escapes my lips. Why is she being fucking difficult? The wheels of my car speed down the road catching up with her. "She has her own car." Pulling over, I park the car, and quickly get out. "Selena..." I grab her hand turning her to face me, then pull her frame to my chest. My eyes find hers.

"Please.. I just wanna be alone with you for awhile." I whisper not taking my eyes off of her. She looks up in my eyes for awhile, then sighs. "Fine. I guess I could use a ride." Her hands move up to my chest, and she steps away.

I couldn't help the smile that made its way across my face. "Finally.. come on." I walk to my car, and open the door for her.

What? I can be a gentleman.. sometimes.

She crawls inside, then throws her bag in the back seat before putting on her seat belt. "You're taking me straight home, right?" She mumbled.

"I mean.. If that's what you want, then sure." I replied closing her door, then jog around the car getting into the drivers seat.

It was quiet. A little too quiet for her, if you ask me.

After starting the car, I fish a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. "Want one?" I glance at her before putting a stick between my lips.

"Sure." She mumbled, then reached over grabbing one from the pack. "You got a light?"

That's a stupid question. I mean.. obviously I have a light if I offered you the cigarette. Genius.

I dig into my pocket again, and grab out my lighter lighting my stick first then hers. The nicotine instantly calms my nerves after I inhale.

The drive is silent besides the sound of us blowing the smoke from our mouths. Selena breaks the awkward silence. "So, why did you want me alone with you so bad?"

I knew this question was coming.

I shrug my shoulders, and continue looking at the road ahead. "I don't really know."

"Riiight. And the fact that you keep coming to me when I don't give you attention anymore." She inhales again, and closes her eyes keeping it in for awhile before blowing it back out.

"Funny how you stopped giving me attention as soon as you found out I had a fiancé." I replied satisfied with my come back.

She's quiet for awhile then I hear her barely whisper, "you have a fiancé. You shouldn't be getting attention from anyone else." Her teeth latch onto her lip. "And.. you should of told me."

"Why?" I glance at her. "You totally liked me, didn't you?"

Time ticks by slowly as I wait for her response.

"I uhh.. I might have." She looks out the window before flinging the cigarette bud outside. "My house is the one on the corner."

My eyes widen. That's not a fucking house. That's a mansion! I didn't know she was rich! That's the kind of information I'd like to know about a person.

"Selena.. your house is fucking huge." I pull into the driveway watching the giant gate open, then i drive through, stopping in front of the house staring at it.


She looks at me, and bites the inside of her cheek. "Do you... wanna come inside?"

I lick my lips then turn the car off. "Sure.." I replied then throw the bud of my cigarette onto the ground after stepping out.

This is new to me. I've never been to another girl's house besides Yovanna's. I'm not the meeting parents type of guy.

I adjust my jacket, and let out a breath.

Here goes nothing...

I'm trying to make my chapters longer. I know how it is to read a story, and the chapters end so soon. I kinda like this chapter lol. Not sure why. Anyways, leave your comments on what you think please! Xo


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