Chapter 9

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Banging on the front door sounds from downstairs. I slowly open my eyes, and glance at the time. 4am. I already had a pretty good idea who it was. Closing my eyes again, I let out a breath. Jason doesn't make it easy. I'm trying my hardest to steer clear of him because he's engaged.

I don't want to be the reason they split. It'll be on my conscience for the rest of my life, and I can't have that. They're somewhat perfect for each other. They're both insane. But then again, he doesn't deserve some bitch treating him like shit. He deserves better. Like you? My subconscious spits at me.

What does she know? I turn on my side hearing fits of mumbles then footsteps coming up the spiral staircase. There's a knock at my door before Brian peeks his head inside. "Ms. Gomez? Mr. McCann is here to see you. I'm aware of the time so.. shall I escort him out?"


I turn and lay on my backside staring up at the ceiling. "That won't be necessary Brian. Let him in." A few minutes later, Jason staggers into my bedroom, closing the door behind him. "Hey.."

I sit up leaning my back against the headboard before finally looking at him. His eyes are dilated. He doesn't look like he's had a great night. "Hey..." I mumble then stare down at my hands.

It's quiet. None of us dared to break the silence. Taking this as his opportunity, Jason walks over, and crawls onto my bed laying over me nuzzling his face into my neck.

I close my eyes. He only does this on rare occasions. Something must have happened with Yovanna. I slowly bring my hand up into his hair, raking my fingers through his luscious locks.

"What happened? You don't come to me like this unless something terrible happened..." I whisper quietly into his ear.

He stays silent for awhile then squeezes me tighter before mumbling, "I guess I kinda called off the wedding.."

My subconscious is doing cartwheels. She's overjoyed that he rid of her. I on the other hand, am quite curious as to what the fuck happened in a matter of a couple days.

"Why? I thought you were stoked about it?"

"I don't love her. I told you that." Well.. that's true, but he also said they were 'destin to be together.'

I let out a breath, and continue running my fingers through his hair. "Did you just call off the marriage for now or.. are you done for good?" He turns his head and it was then that I realized how close we were. My breathing hitches. "I'm done for good." He whispered, and I feel his hot breath against my lips.

Is he going to kiss me? I look in his eyes for any indication. Nothing. This can't be right. He literally just got out of a relationship. I'm surely not going to be his rebound.

I swallow hard then look away from his hazel orbs. "You can um stay here if you want to." He nods and brings his hand up to my cheek. "You're so perfect.."

Jason presses his lips against mine softly, taking my lip between his, sucking slightly. Butterflies flutter around in my stomach at the sudden contact of his lips. I bring my hand over his, and kiss back keeping up with his motion.

He pulls away and I stare up at him, heated and confused. "What.. what was that for?" He stares at me shocked by his own actions then studders, "I.. I just have wanted to do that since you bumped into me the first day we met." I can't believe he even remembers that.

"Did you feel it too..? That.. spark? No, no. The fireworks. Did you feel them?" The butterflies in my stomach eventually contain themselves as I find my voice to finally speak. "We shouldn't be doing this. You just got out of a relationship not so long ago Jason. Maybe it's not what you think it was."

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