Chapter 5

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I just invited him in.. I'm not ready for this. That's what you do when someone drives you home, right? Fuck. This was a stupid idea. But.. then again, I've hung out with him many times so what's the difference?

I take his hand, and lead him inside after unlocking the door. He looks around with a look on his face.

Is he expecting something? I shrug it off then speak up, "let's go up to my room." I nod towards the spiral staircase. "I'll grab a few beers for us."

He nods then continues to eye rape my house before he finally goes to the staircase. "Your house is.. amazing." He says.

"Thanks. I got it after my parents died." Brian hands me two beers.

"I got the house, the money, the help, the business.." A sigh escapes my lips. I hate talking about this.

"Too bad it's not enough to make a teenager happy, right?" Jason stops in the middle of the staircase then turns and looks at me. A look of sympathy swirls in his hazel eyes.

I get it. He expected to meet my parents. Well.. not unless we die right now, that's not happening. Starting up the steps, I move past him, and go into my bedroom turning on the light.

He walks in behind me then takes one of the beers from my hand.

"I know how it feels." Jason says. The sound of our beer cans being opened fills the quietness before he walks around my room observing everything again.

Does he think I'm recording him or something? That's just plain weird.

His eyes focus on a photo of me and my twin sister. "You have a sister..?"

I chug down half my beer and lean back against my headboard before replying, "yeah, but we don't talk much." I take another sip. "What about you? What's your story?"

His body tenses then he puts the photo of me and my sister down. "I don't have one." He muttered before drinking his can trying to avoid the subject.

That's not happening. I'm a nosy bitch.

"C'mon Jay. Everyone has a story." my teeth sink into my bottom lip as I turn on my side. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

He stares down at his feet, and mumbles, "I don't tell my story, but.. what's yours?"

I stay quiet for awhile. He basically knows most of my story. I said it when we first walked in.

1. My parents are dead.
2. I'm not happy.
3. I have no relationship with my sister.

What more does he want? That's almost everything there is to know about me.

"It's still being written." I finally say then chuck my empty can into the trash.

He finally looks at me then walks over, and tosses his can away. His hand fishes in his jacket pocket.

I swear he has everything but the kitchen sink in there.

He pulls out a blunt then sits on the edge of my bed. "Have you ever smoked one of these?" He asked.

My eyes stare at the blunt before glancing at him. "No. I've only smoked cigarettes."

His signature smirk made its way onto his face like always. "Wanna try it?" I shrug. You only live once, right? Fuck it. "Light it up."

He sets the blunt between his lips lighting it up.

God.. The way his lips are on that thing. Fuck. I've never seen a guy look so good while smoking. Not even in movies or on tumblr. This is insane.

Jason takes a hit and blows the smoke up towards the ceiling then lays back. A cute laugh escapes his lips. "God I needed this..." he whispered.

He looked relaxed. Maybe he really did need this. What if Yovanna doesn't let him be himself, and that's why he wanted to be around me? I guess that's a possibility.

I pop another chip into my mouth after we've smoked a blunt and a half then look into Jason's eyes.

"I love this. I haven't had a chance to let loose since Blake left." He looks at me then, and whispers, "who's Blake?"

Shit. I wasn't supposed to give him anymore information on me unless he does the same. Is that why he wanted to get me high?

Quickly trying to change the subject, I mumble, "No one. Forget I said anything." I roll off the bed, and stand to my feet. "It's late in the day.. you should go before your fiancé gets worried."

He laughs. Wow.. he's more stoned than I am. "I don't wanna go back to her. She'll just yell at me again." He whispers then cuddles closer to my pillows. "I wanna stay with you."

I don't know whether to feel relieved or scared. Relieved, because the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen much rather be in my house. And scared, because his psycho girl threatened me already.

"She'll yell at you if you stay Jason. If you wanna stay, there's a spare room down the hall." I replied.

He nods then stands up from my bed. His eyes scan over my features. "God.. you're so hot." What..?

He shrugs his shoulders and laughs then walks out of my bedroom.

Hold the Fuck up? Did he say that because he was high, or because he meant it?

Too bad he's not drunk... then I could say drunk words are sober thoughts. But this is not the case.

I woke up the next morning to find an empty house. It was just me and the help. I guess it was foolish to think he'd actually stay until I woke from my slumber.

There wasn't a note or anything. Oh well. I'll go about my day like usual.

I'm alone. There's no one here to hang out with or even just to talk to. Jason's back at his place with his drill sergeant of a fiancé. I hate being alone. That's when the voices inside your head start to speak, and I'm definitely not in the mood for that.

I stand up from the couch then turn off the TV before grabbing my house key. "Brian? You're off the hook tonight. I'm gonna head out for a bit." I walked out not waiting for his reply.

The night air hits my face, and I immediately calm down. This is what I needed... just a little walk.

I turned a corner passing a dark alley. It was then that I heard footsteps following behind me. I glanced back. No one was there.

Fuck. Why on a day I want to relax, something scary happens?

I take my phone out of my pocket, and bring it to my ear pretending to have a conversation with someone.

The footsteps fade until they eventually stop. I let out a breath then put my phone away.

A huge hand covers my mouth before an arm snakes it's way around my waist pulling me into the dark alley.

That smell.. I know that smell from anywhere. My eyes widen in realization.



The story will be involved with drama soooon my loves. Hope you enjoy! Xo


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