002 | the beginninng of the end

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not long after your 12th birthday, you inherited the power of the warhammer titan. it meant you were one step closer to being able to go to paradis, all that remained now was convincing the remaining warriors to take you with them.


[year 850]

"you've improved." you said, smiling as you helped colt up from the floor.

"still not enough to beat you in a fight." he smirked, giving you a playful glare as he brushed the dust off his uniform.

"well i did learn from the best." you joked, remembering how you and annie would spend days on end fighting and teaching each other techniques.

"it's been 5 years." you sighed, staring at the glistening silver ring on your finger which was identical to annie's.

she had given it to you for your birthday, and although you had no use for it at the time, she promised that you would use it one day.

"do you think they're ever coming back?"

"i hope so." colt said, laying down on the soft grass the two of you were sat on. "there would be hell for us to pay if they didn't."

you scoffed. "marley's always trying to blame us for everything aren't they?"

colt simply replied by staring at you blankly, before vigorously shaking his head, obviously disagreeing with your previous statement.

just as you were about to open your mouth to retaliate, you felt hands slither across your shoulders, hooking onto your collarbone and pulling you backwards.

you fell into whoever it was, sending the both of you tumbling to the ground. shakily standing up, you turned around, shooting a glare at the culprit; pieck.

"what was that for?" you sighed, crouching down to smack off the dirt that had accumulated on your legs.

"lighten up y/n." pieck laughed, grabbing onto you in an attempt to pull herself up.

stepping back before she could securely grab onto your arm, you watched as she fell back onto the sandy dirt again, trying to not fall over yourself from laughing to hard.

when you looked at pieck again she was no longer giggling, but instead staring up at the shadows looming over her with a serious expression.

"if the two of you are finished, we have something important to discuss with you, y/n." zeke's voice spoke, as void from emotion as ever.

turning around, you were met with the sight of him and commander magath staring at you.

"lady tybur." magath said, nodding in acknowledgment as you met his eyes.

you smiled at him, nodding your head back at him in respect.

"i'll be off then zeke." magath said, patting the blonde on the shoulder. "i'll trust you to let them in on what we have being discussing."

"of course sir." zeke replied. "i'll come by your office later to make the final arrangements."

as soon as magath had left, you lunged and pieck, dragging her down to the ground again.

the two of you had become extremely close the past few years after annie and the others had left. pieck was like an older sister to you, and helped you become stronger in any way she could.

zeke sighed at the two of you rolling around laughing, before clapping his hands together to pull your attention towards him.

"magath was just telling us some important information about our mission to paradis y/n." he said.

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