me and mama together forever

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Chapter 11 - me and mama together forever

My thoughts drifted through my mind as I made my way to my new rooms in the West Wing. I hated him. My father is a despicable man, but my hate for him is something I have to overcome. His presence is just another obstacle, another thing that is in my way. My mother deserves more then this, and that man helped me see that. I wonder who he was...

I was snatched out  of my thoughts when a shrill voice interrupted me "Miss! Miss!" Turning I saw a mousy brown haired girl gasping from the effort of running behind me. "excuse me but might you be Lady Alexandra?"

Nodding I looked at her skeptically. "What do you want?" I asked with a confident authority around me. I was after all her superior in my extravagant court clothes and her in a servants uniform. Tapping my foot I waited for her answer,

"Oh-oh sorry excuse my manners!" Curtsying she continued,"I am Katherine your uncle assigned me as your personal maid."

hmm...personal maid? Should I trust her? She seemed Innocent enough.

Nodding once more I walked away expecting her to follow me towards my room. I had walked a couple of paces and not hearing her quiet shuffling behind me I sighed and not turning around asked in a annoyed voice "Are you coming or not?"

Startled she started walking "Oh yes miss. Sorry miss!" Shaking my head I walked on and let my mind drift to the past. 


"Anna! I said tighter!" I whined as my maid tightened my first corset that my mother had given me for my tenth birthday. Just days before her death.

I heard chuckling behind me as Anna tightened the strings once more. I felt my anger build up and I stomped my foot before turning around to face her.

"ANNA! I am a Lady and as such i deserve respect!" I waited for her to curtsy but as she did I saw a slight smile cross her face as she murmured "Excuse my forwardness Miss Josephine."

Sniffing at her I waited for her to get up "I forgive you because that is what mama said real Ladys do. But do not let it happen again. Now tighter!"

The laughter continued and I turned once more prepared to yell at her until I saw her face. It was bright red as she tried to reign her laughter in. I asked as calmly as I could,

"What is it Anna? What is so funny?"

She shook her head as she looked at me and said as seriously as she could "Josephine you are going to be quite the woman when you grow up I cannot wait until you marry. It is going to be quite a adventure for your husband."

I stomped out of the room but not before uttering my last words towards Anna.

"I do not need a husband. I am going to live forever with mama! Just her and me."


I laughed cruelly at the irony of my last words which startled the silent maid behind me.

"U-umm are you okay my lady?"

I stopped at my door to my room and answered her,

"I'm fine do not worry."

Opening the door I walked in to find all the trunks filled with the dresses Maria had sent in my room. I beckoned the maid towards me,

"Katherine make sure my trunks are in order. I am going for a tour of the castle."

The maid curtsied towards me,

"Of course miss. Shall I fetch somebody to take you?"

I shook my head at her as my hand was on the door handle.

"No I will be fine."

Opening the door I walked back into the cold hallway that I had left just moments ago and felt thoughts of my flashback from earlier come back to me.

My mother and me could never be together. Not until I kill J, the man that ruined my life. After I kill J, I can in turn kill myself. I can fullfill the promise that I made to Anne so long ago.

'I am going to live forever with mama! Just her and me.'


Authors Note

I am so sorry for not uploading!!!!!!! I went from the five hundred on the Whats Hot list to the seven hundreds! So please comment and vote!



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