One step closer

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- a shout out to the3telltale3heart for giving me advice on prolonging the assasinations I think that really helped!-

Chapter 1: One step closer

Walking through the tavern I knew I produced stares. They all new my occupation, and what I could do to them if they questioned it. My cloak covered most of my face as I made my way to the back of the tavern.

A short time later a puny, snivelling excuse for a man came into the building. He walked across the floor, flinching at every noise someone made. He was nervous. Stopping in front of me, he looked me up and down.

"Josie?" The man questioned

I always went by Josie. It was not far from my real name, but it kept them guessing.

"Of course. You are late" I said not caring for pleasantries, I was here for work nothing more.

Surprised by my abruptness and my light, tilted voice he took a step back.

"Take off your cloak..." The rumbling voice came again, suspicious now.

Taking off my cloak I let him see me. I never thought of myself as pretty and I cursed my light skin which made it harder to sneak at night. I had fiery red hair, green eyes, and angular cheekbones that contrasted sharply to the soft waves of my hair.

"A..a..a girl?! I am sorry there must be some mistake! Excuse me...." Bowing he backed up and turning walked towards the door. In a few easy strides I was in front of him, and I put my hand in front of his chest stopping him from moving.

"There is no mistake. I am here like requested. Now who would you like me to kill?"

The mans eyes widened, and finally recovering he managed to stutter out," uhh u-umm I w-would like you t-t-to kill my boss Bernard Casswith"

     I nodded not bothering to ask why he wanted me to kill his boss. It was all the same, nothing worth mentioning really. After discussing my pay with him and asking where the man lived, I walked out the door swinging behind me, while feeling his eyes bore into my back as I walked into the winter night.

     My feet were silent as I swept along the cobblestone street discreelty checking the houses in succession. After much searching, I came upon a stone house that fit the descriptions of what the man had given me.  The windows were smeared with soot and the roof was topped with hay easily blending into the surrounding houses except for one thing. Poinsettia's stood out starkly against the winter night there red petals looking like blood against the pureness of the light snow that had started falling. Touching the petals I made my way to the doorway. I kicked down the door to Bernards house with a BANG! I looked around expecting Bernard to be at the table eating the dinner, which was already getting cold. He could not of known I was coming...

"Where are you little mouse?" I whispered to myself hearing the door to the back kitchen open with a creak. Hiding myself into a dark corner I waited for the perfect moment to strike. Patience if your an assassin is key that is why the inexperienced always get caught. Bernard sat down in his chair holding some bread. Bernard's back was to me now and quietly I crept from the shadows.

"I have you now!" I remarked wickedly jumping up behind him

Bernard jumped from him seat turning around to face me

"What? Who are you?" He demanded

Pulling out my knife I examined the blade, which was perfectly sharpened to a point, and drew it across his forehead drawing blood.

     Truly scared now Bernard backed away until he was running towards the door. I caught him by the back of his tunic and pulled him towards me. Turning him to face me I saw the blood from my cut dripping down his face and onto the cold wooden floor.

"Why don't we get on with business. Shall we?" My voice was cold now and I drew back my blade until it glinted in the faint candle light.

"Goodbye Bernard, If it makes you feel better you just brought me a step closer to my goal."

Bernard's eyes widened just as my knife pierced his neck cleanly cutting it off. This kill was easy and hardly worth the money the man was offering.

    Turning around and walking towards the door I turned around towards his body. I almost felt remorse, but quickly shoved the thought back into the depths of my heart. It was worth it. His death did being me a step closer. Closer to finally making him notice me and look for me. I would find him and avenge my mother's death, and with this thought in mind I opened the weatherd door open and for the second time that night stepped into the unwelcoming, unrelenting night.  

Sure Bernard was an easy kill; however, I still needed to be paid. As I walked back into the dark tavern I looked for the stranger that had employed me to kill his boss, finding him at the bar I pulled my cloak tighter and sat down to the stool next to him. Ordering a pint of ale I turned towards him.

"Jobs done. Where is my money?"  curt and cold my voice seemed to startle him out of his isolated world.

"What? Already...I was excpecting it to take several days at least..."  I shrugged holding my hand out for the money but all he did was get of his stool and start to back away "I do not have it...yet. Can I put it on a tab or.." Before he could finish I started laughing, which soon became a menacing and grating sound.

"You see I am not a big fan of debts...and well... you did promise me. How about I take another type of payment?" Smiling wickedly now I turned towards him "How about a cut for each coin you seem to have misplaced? Ill make sure there small. Dont worry!"

Taking two easy strides I made a small cut on his cheek "one.."

    The man brought a shaking hand to his cheek, eyes widening in complete horror. The emotions that swirled in his eyes flashed in succession disbelief, disgust, fear. The second one made me pause. Disgust for me? I needed to show I was not merciful so that the assassin will come after me, it was worth it.  Bringing my knife down I made a deep cut on his forearm that immediately started trickling blood down his arm onto the floor.


The other people in the tavern quietly got out of there chairs and left the tavern, the door creaking behind them. Alone now I frowned at the man in mock dissapointment.

"No audience! That takes out some of the fun!" I lifted my face towards his, "But not all of it..."


This is the brand new edited chapter. I combined two chapters to make this chapter and added stuff in- between enjoy! Special thanks as always to: catstealporkchops for being a awesome editor!

Lady Josephine: Armed and ready to kill (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now