The dark stranger

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Chapter 2- The Dark Stranger

Leaving my ex-employers body on the tavern floor I snickered "That was almost better then getting real coins."

Mimicking the mans last words she said in a deep manly voice "Oh don't! Please I have a wife and kids! Please!" Laughing she walked towards the tavern door grabbing her ale as she went. Almost out the door she turned hearing a voice. Hadn't everyone left?

"Hmm I would not think killing people was a proffesion you would of ventured towards, you know considering what happened to you mother..." a silky voice said from the back of the tavern

Snapping around Jose stared at the dark corner where the voice had come from "Who are you? And how long have you been standing there?"

chuckling in amusement he stepped out of the shadows. A strong featured face stared back at her with brown eyes, and dark hair.

still chuckling the stranger tilted his head and answering "You don't remember me? What a shame..."

"Shut up! What do you know about my mother?" Jose's eyes shone like fire now as she stared him down silently daring him to challenge her

"Nothing much. Except the sweet voice as she begged to be let go...oh how she begged..." Smiling menacingly he stepped up to Jose

"You jerk! How dare you? How dare you talk about my mother like that! Do you know who I am? What I could do to you?" Taking the last step towards him she brought the tip of her blade to his throat. However Jose could feel her walls that she had kept around her since her mothers death start falling away

His face showed mock fear as he told her "I have heard the rumors of a cold assassin with unchallenged skill...and i have to say I do not like the sound of a novice like you attempting to take my throne."

Seeing the way he mocked her and called her a novice. A novice, her? She has killed hundreds! Maybe even thousands of souls! Feeling the last of her walls come crumbling down she screamed at him "Who the hell are you? What do you know about my mother!?"

Cocking his eyebrow he brought his hand down to his pocket and pulled out a mask, a black mask. Putting it up against his face whispered in her ear "Do you know me now?"

Lady Josephine: Armed and ready to kill (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now