A dance to forget

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  • Dedicated to All the girls out there that are confused with there feelings

Chapter 15- A dance to forget

     Twirling me in a moment of surprise I stared up at him mystified by his actions. As we continued to dance normally I questioned him.

"Jason why are you doing this?"

He cocked on eyebrow before twirling me once again leaving me breathless,

"I thought it was obvious."

I just stared at him waiting for his answer,

"I like you."

I giggled at this it sounded so out there...wait a second...


Shaking my head I put it off as lack of sleep. I must finally be losing it...

We danced, twirled, and laughed until I could feel myself going into a blissful happiness that I have not felt for years. The innoncence of it, just dancing and enjoying ourselves, was something I thought no longer existed in this cold world where assassins killed innocent mothers, where people took joy in killing, and fathers left there children to fend for themselves. A voice struck me out of my thoughts,

"Alexandra?" Jason put a hand of my shoulder with concern in his eyes. Oh when had we stopped dancing?

"Yes Jason?"

"I had asked if you would like to go to the garden with me."

Suprised at this It took me a moment to answer him,

"Of-Of course."

Smiling he held out his hand,

"Follow me."

I have not touched anyone in years. Close would only lead to ties that would later result in more pain, which brang me to reluctently wave him ahead without taking his hand.

"Lead the way."

He stood there confused at my refusal, but shrugged it off and led the way through a side door behind the thrones and down a narrow stariway with dust covered walls. More hesitanlty now I continued down smelling a slight breez ruffle my hair. A breeze? Before I could ask we burst the garden. 

Despite the colder Autumn weather the garden was aburst with life. Juniper sprung from every corner and the Sunflowers sotod out starkly to the deep starry night. Birds flitted through the orange, yellow, and red trees chasing eachother and singing there sweet song. The grass was anew with dew, making my dancing slippers wet, but I could care less as I watched the site before me.


It was...

It was beautiful

Jason waited anxiously for my approval and I gladly gave it by taking his hand in mine without thinking. Aghast I was about to break my hand away from his grasp when I realized it felt..



I decided to leave my hand in his and slowly I made my way around the garden letting my free hand lightly touch the trunks of the trees and the Sunflowers soft petals. We went like this for quite awhile just appreciating the perfectness of it all when Jason broke the silence.

"I wanted to share this with you since you had already found one of my hiding places." He winked at me referring to the time he had found me in the deserted hallway crying, I blushed at the memory as he continued, "So I thought I would show you another."

He lifted a hand towards my face,

"You are so beautfiul Alexandra."

Jason's hand caressed my face and he leaned in. What was he doing?

"Jason", hearing his name he stopped and waited for me to continue,"I-I can't."

Not waiting to discern his reaction I ran. I ran barely hearing him as Jason ran calling my name. What was I doing? I was falling apart, slowly I was losing everything I knew to be true and it was being replaced by something I could not understand. I did not know what this feeling was that I had for Jason. Did it even have a name?


Did I....

No! I could not ever admit the unimaginable to myself because I am who I am. I can act the part of Lady Alexandra, the young woman my mother would have been proud of, but I am and forever will be a...



Authors Note-

Per request I am going to continue for longer then I originally thoughht for this book. Pleas comment, fan, and vote. Because I am officially,



So please support me,


P.S. The picture to the right is what I envisioned Josephine to look like at the moment of indescision.

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