Time to fight the evil bitch boy.

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     Hera and Elian immediately fall over the moment I appear in the commons. "What the fuck?!" Elian groans. "Does it always feel that... dizzying?" Hera asks. "I... I have no idea what you're talking about. It's always felt fine to me." "Huh. I guess because Elian and I can't teleport naturally it feels-" "weird as hell." Elian says. "Don't ever interrupt me again." Hera growls, getting up and dusting off her sweatpants. She grabs Elian and yanks him upwards, forcing him onto his feet. "You're coming with me. The commander will want to see you." Elian follows Hera. Not like the man had a choice. I hear a door open. "There you are. I was starting to get worried. Come on." I hear Lane whisper. I stumble into our dorm, practically dragging myself into bed. "G'night!" I yell at Lane. "Night." And with that, I'm out.
      Three months passed after that. Elian was reinstated as our teacher. He and Hera are (slowly) making up. We have the week off. God knows why. Not like I'm complaining though. I hear someone bang on my door. "Yeah?" Nat peeks inside. "Hey, Hera and Elian want to talk to all of us." She says. I groan. "Don't we have this week off?" "Are you coming, or no?" I curse under my breath and get up. "Yeah."
      "We're out of ideas." Elian states, looking at all of us with defeat. "What?" Mateo yelps. Elian sighs and shakes his head. "We don't have any battle strategies or advantages. All we have is ten Star Beings, but the L.O. Has Anai. We tried to do something on the first of the year, but that ended horribly." Hera grumbles. "So we're fucked then?" I ask. "Language! But yes. We are. Does anyone have any ideas?" Hera looks at us expectantly. Nat stands. "I do, actually. There's a base about 50 miles west of here. It must be important, because it's always heavily guarded. We could attack there. It's risky but if it works-" "NO!" Elian yelps, leaping out of his seat and slamming his hands on the table. He clears his throat.
     "I mean, no. That's a horrible idea. That place isn't a base. It's a palace. That's where Eligio and Anaideia live full time. You go there, you will die." He says. "How'd you even know it was there? Or that it was heavily guarded?" "Not important. What is important is that if we don't die. If we cause some damage, whether to the palace or the bitch in charge, we could get leverage." Natalie says, her brown eyes focused on Elian's face. She's determined to get through to him. "My answer is no. It's too dangerous. That is final." Elian growls, storming out of the room. "Shit." I hear Hera mutter as she gets up and follows Elian. Nat groans and storms out as well. The rest of us look at each other with various emotions. "Well that was hectic."

       "DJ!" I hear someone say from outside the dorm. "I got it." I mutter to Lane, getting up off the couch. "Nat? What the hell? It's nearly midnight." "I need to talk to everyone. Meet me in Hade and I's dorm in five minutes." Then, she walks away. Lane looks at me expectantly. "Well?" "Nat wants us in her dorm in five." I say, running into my room and pulling on my combat boots. Screw normal clothes, I'm comfy. When I walk back out, Lane is waiting. It seems she had the same idea. "Come on. Who knows what this is about."
       "So why did you wake us up at twelve in the morning?" Caleb asks, rubbing his eyes. "Shut up and put on a shirt." His brother groans. "Fight me, Damien." "Both of you, shut up. This is about the meeting today." Nat says stepping in front of all of us, her laptop in hand. "I hacked the security cameras in front and around the palace. It took nearly a month, but it was worth it. If Elian would have let me finish earlier, he would have found out that every day, about an hour before dawn, there's no guards anywhere in the palace. I don't know why. But it's only for about ten minutes. That gives us just enough time to get to the throne room and attack." Nat says. "Since when do you know how to hack shit?" I hear hade ask. "Since I started planning this about a month ago. Who's with me? Because I'm going no matter what."
     I stand up immediately. "There's no way in the nine circles of hell you're going alone." I say with a grin. "I'm with DJ." Lane says, hoping up. "As long as I get to set something on fire." Hade says as they stand. "Someone has to bring snacks and make sure y'all don't die." Maxine grins. "Caleb and I are in." Damien says, dragging his brother onto his feet. "I'm in." Karson says. "M-me too!" Mateo says, scrambling up. "I understood enough to know I want in." Gabriel says, standing. Nat beams. "Be ready by tomorrow night. We're winning this battle."

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